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In a time distant to now, the birth of the Tanah region took place. The mighty Petram rose the continent from the sea and the blessed Rebus gathered clouds to cover the sky, gathered the stars, sun, and moon and gave the beauty of weather to the Tanah region.

Petram is the Pokémon of legend who grew all the trees and planted all the crops. Petram supported all life and gave ground to thrive on. Meanwhile, Rebus gave Tanah sun, rain, wind, and snow. Rebus flew and created the conditions of life that happened. Though snow is extremely rare in this region.

Long after the birth of Tanah, a new mythical Pokémon called Mar came about. Mar would disassociate from both Rebus and Petram, roaming the beaches and creating tides and waves. However, Mar can only be seen on specific days at specific times. Mar is very allusive, and does not like to be seen. Mar keeps to itself and when angered can cause tsunamis and other water-related horrors.

With the three Pokémon of history born and thriving, incomes the people. Petram had decided that once the land was tender and tame enough, and Rebus had regulated the weather, that people were allowed to come to Tanah. So Petram and Rebus brought people, and from there the region grew to as it is today.

Welcome to the Tanah Region.

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