Chapter 1

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   A  groan was heard from the red head on the bed, alerting the man in white. He rushed over to her, only to be met with deep, emerald green eyes. Immediately, the girl shot up, a scream erupting from her lips.

   Guards rushed into the cabin, swords drawn. After a moment of examining the issue, they relaxed. The dark haired man that had carried her in approached her, "Miss, your alright. Take a deep breath. We're here to help you." He sheathed his sword and put his hands up to show he was no harm.

   Her eyes examined him, backing away from everyone. Her heart, pounding in her chest. "Who are you? Where am I?" Her voice was shaky with fear and confusion. The guards sheathed their swords, most leaving but three. Slow steady steps made their way towards her, stopping a few feet away from her.

   "I am Blackwell, Head guard here in Rose Drop. A few days ago a local farm girl found you laying in the grass by her house and reported it to the guards. You have been asleep since we found you." The black haired man finally spoke-Blackwell. The man in white examined her actions carefully, not speaking.

   "Music..." She finally spoke, seeming to have calmed since figuring out the mans name. Blackwell paused, taking in the unique name and attempting to engrave it in his mind.

   "What a peculiar name. Where might you be from?" There was a long, drawn out silence. The redhead looked to her lap, seemingly uneasy from the follow-up question. "My apologies, miss Music." Blackwell couldn't muster another syllable out before a woman ran in.

   Blue-Green neon hair, long enough to reach her knees. Light brown orbs landed on Music, and fear filled them. "My Lord! Look at those clothes! And that hair! My my, your a mess!" Her sweet tone was tinted with horror. "Sheesh thanks..." Music huffed. After that, the unique girl left the cabin in a hurry.

   Blackwell sighed and rubbed his temple. "Alec, see to what Lillian is up to. Vicente, return to your duties." Music watched them carefully, deep in thought. "Miss Music, please. I apologize for startling you. I will take my leave." He turned, exiting the building with his guards.

   Hours passed before the neon haired girl returned, followed by a panting guard- Alec- close behind her. "Here! Come with me!" She grabbed Music by the wrist and dragged her outside.

   "Let me go!" Music struggled against the girls grasp but she was too weak to get out of it. She eventually gave in and followed the girl, leaving the ginger guard far behind.

   They arrived at a small cabin, not far from the medical one they were just at. The unknown woman dragged Music into the cabin and rushed her into the bathroom, hanging some clothes on the door, and placing a towel on the counter. "Take a bath, and put these on. Trust me, You'll be glad you did. Oh, Where are my manners? I'm Lillian! A seamstress and hair designer here in Rose Drop! Oh, I'll leave you alone!" She rushed out and closed the door. Moments later Music heard footsteps going up the stairs.

   "Alright... I guess I'm getting cleaned up then..." She started the bath and undressed herself, slowly stepping into the warm, clear water. She eventually sat down, and washed herself, making sure to cleanse her hair thoroughly. Music relaxed and laid back in the back, examining the area around her. It was a cozy bathroom, beige wallpaper with white and pink flowers surrounded the area. White counter tops were against the far wall, with a mirror above the sink. Baby blue and white curtains surrounded the bath. It was quite the designing, very comforting.

   Music drained the bath and exited, using the towel on the counter to dry off. She put on the dress Lillian had left for her. It had a white-lace top that cut off at the shoulders, with a light green under-slip. A belt wrapped around her waist, a light, mint-green skirt extended down to mid-thigh. She noticed heels placed by the door, wedged heels with white lacing on the top.

   The red head smoothly opened the door and stepped out, the heels clicking on the wooden surface, and her hair- still soaked- clung to her neck and shoulders. Scarlet-red hair reached lower back on her, her emerald-green eyes darting around for Lillian.

   "Lillian?" She called. Immediately, footsteps rushed downstairs. Lillian paused when noticing Music and admired her, smiling. "I knew it would look good on you! It truly matches your eyes!" She smiled and walked towards the girl. "Sit! Sit! Let me do your hair!" Lillian pushed Music into a seat and grabbed a brush, beginning to gently brush her hair. "Tell me, how did you find Rose Drop?" She attempted small talk.

   Music took in a breath and sighed, "I was told I was found, passed out in the grass by a farm house. A lady found me, and reported me to the guards." Lillian took a moment to take this in, "So your the talk of the town then? I heard rumor a girl was asleep in the medical cabin, I had only just got the time to investigate." She smiled, though she knew Music couldn't see her. This conversation carried on for quite some time. Enough for the brown eyed girl to finish with Music's hair.

   "All Done!" Lillian backed off her and walked around the seat, smiling down at the red-head. "Your beautiful, Music." The girl smiled back and stood up, walking to the bathroom to admire her hair. Her hair was in a half-up half-down style, the part being up tied up in a slight pony-tail, though it was braided three quarters down, then tied into a pony-tail.

   "Lillian its beautiful!" She smiled and turned to her new found friend. Lillian laced her in a hug, before holding her shoulders and looking down at the small girl. "Lets introduce you to the village! That is, if you plan on staying.." Light brown eyes met emerald green ones, smiles brightening on their faces.

   "I have no where else to go... I mean... If everyone here will have me, I'll be glad to stay." Music became shy. "Of course! I'll talk to Blackwell, But I'm sure he'd gladly extend a hand to allow you to stay! I cannot wait!" Lillian squealed and started jumping around in excitement.

   The rest of the day, would be hectic...

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