The omega's eyes saddened a bit. ''I know. I know and I'm still scared but you're all protecting me. Or at least, you're all trying to protect me. I had to do that on my own for years, Ash.''

The two sat down on the couch. Ashton on his phone, most likely talking to Luke, and Harry with a book on his lap.

After what seemed like an hour, Ashton coughed.

Harry looked up and gasped. Ashton was staring at him with tear-filled eyes and a sad face.

The omega immediately scooted closer to hug the alpha, but Ashton shook his head.

''It was me, Harry.'' He spat, tears falling from his eyes.

Harry cocked his head to the side. ''What do you-''

''I was the one who helped Owen.'' Ashton sighed, sobbing shakily.

Harry's face paled and his eyes widened as he slowly backed away.

''Wha- What?'' He asked, hurt evident in his voice.

The alpha dropped his head in his hands as he cried. His shoulders were trembling and he looked so, so broken.

Harry swallowed thickly, knowing that Ashton was really struggling here.

''Ash... What happened?'' He asked softly and sat down next to the other boy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

''I ran into him in the city a few weeks ago. I mean, I didn't know who he was so I apologized and tried t-to walk away. He grabbed me and pulled me into an alley. H-He threatened Luke, Haz. He said that he would hurt him if I didn't help him. I would never hurt you, Harry. I would never ever do anything to hurt you b-but Luke- I-I-I... Luke is my everything I couldn't- I would never- Please understand, Harry. Please don't hate me, I am so, so sorry!'' Ashton begged.

Harry stared at Ashton for a second before shaking his head. ''He threatened Luke?''

Ashton nodded with teary eyes. ''He described him, Harry. He described him in detail. Please understand. Luke is my omega, Harry. I will protect you with my life but I would never let anything happen to my omega.''

Harry bit his bottom lip. ''Ash, please. I understand. I-I do. I would feel guilty for the rest of my life if he would've done something to Luke. God, fuck. I am so sorry, Ash.''

The omega rubbed his eyes and sighed shakily. Ashton wrapped his arms around the younger wolf and cried.

''I know Louis won't stop looking for the person responsible and it was me. I don't want him to hate me, Harry. We've been friends for so long. I wish I could have done something to protect both of you I just- Shit, he nearly killed you.''

''We'll tell Louis together. Ashton, he needs to know. I'll get him to understand if he refuses to. It's not like you did it to get me killed, yeah?''

''Of course not. Harry I wish I could have prevented him from hurting you but Luke... I love Luke and I cannot fathom the thought of losing him.''

Harry took a deep breath. ''Ash, me neither. I'm just glad that you told me, you know.''

Ashton looked at the younger omega for a second before wrapping his arms around Harry and pulling him into a tight hug. ''I am so, so sorry.''

''It's okay. I don't blame you.''

''You don't blame him for what?'' Louis asked as he tied a towel around his waist.

Ashton and Harry jumped apart, Ashton's face pale and his eyes frightened. Louis simply raised his eyebrow and smiled at the two.

''Oh what, you guys? You look like I've seen a ghost.''

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