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It wasn't very long before the two couldn't stand each other again.

Only this time, Troye knew what not to do.

Jacob didn't seem to care at the moment, which in all honesty, scared Troye, but he wasn't going to show Jacob that.

Right now, Jacob, Troye, and Mama Bix were eating dinner at the table.

It had been silent the entire time with the exception of small talk that Mama Bix tried to force.

Troye's leg bounces continuously, making the table and everything on it shake ever so slightly, but enough to be noticed.

And Jacob isn't happy about it.

With a deep sigh, Jacob drops his fork with a harsh clatter on the ceramic plate and looks up at Troye, "Will you stop shaking your fucking leg?"


"Will you stop showing your fucking face?"

"Troye! Oh my goodness! That is enough! What has gotten into you two? You've been at this all night!"

The boys glare at each other, ignoring Mama Bix's question.

"Either you answer me or you're both living outside until you can get along. I won't have this behavior under my roof."

"Troye's being a little bitch, like always."

"Oh, yeah! I'm being the bitch!" Troye laughs sarcastically.

"Says the one who can't even argue unless they act like a five year old!"

"You're one to talk!"

"Don't bring little me into this. He didn't do anything."

"We wouldn't be arguing at all if it wasn't for you!" Jacob exclaims jumping up from his seat

"What the hell did I do?!" Troye shouts back following Jacob's action.

"Same thing as last time! You don't give me space! You're always fucking hanging on me!"

"Oh, well excuse me for seeking safety from the person who promised they would protect me when I needed it most!"

The little screams, his voice crack at the end not fazing Jacob in the slightest.

"I wish I never even made that promise! Maybe then I'd get some space! Better yet, I wish I never even met you!"

That hurt.

Troye freezes. The house becomes silent as Mama Bix stares at her son in shock, Troye trying his hardest not to cry.

Suddenly, Troye clears his throat, "Well, good then. It won't be hard for you to pretend you never did."

Jacob watches angrily and confused for a moment.

It isn't until Troye takes his promise ring off and sets it on the table that Jacob realizes what he said.

Watching his boyfriend walk out of the house, a tear rolls down his cheek, "What...what the hell did I just do?"

"Jacob." Jacob looks at his mom.

"I'm disappointed in you," she shakes her head before standing up and walking out the front door.


Tyler rubs the small boy's back as he sobs into his chest.

Connor watches sadly as he retrieves a blanket.

"I just don't get it," Troye cries, "why would he say that? Does he really regret meeting me?"

"No. Troye, he was just mad-"

"But being mad is like being drunk. The truth comes out. You of all people should know this."

Tyler looks up at Connor who laughs.

"I like drinking, I'm not an alcoholic," Tyler defends.

"But that's not the point. The point is, if you would've let me finish, is that you guys were arguing. Jacob was mad and he was trying to hurt you. He didn't mean what he said, he just wanted to get under your skin."

"Well it worked. I don't wanna see him."

After a moment of silence, there's a knock on the front door.

Connor leaves his bedroom to answer it.

Opening the door, the tall teen instantly blocks it keep Jacob from coming inside.

"Connor, is Troye here?"

"Not now, Jacob."

"Connor, please, I-I don't know what happened and I have to-"

"You hurt him, that's what fucking happened."

"I know-"

"Why would you say that to him, dude?"

"I don't know! I just—please, Con, I have to talk to him."

"He doesn't want to see you right now."

Jacob sighs sadly and squeezes his eyes shut, "Just...is he okay? I-is he safe?"

"Physically, yeah, he's fine. But, Jacob, you really hurt him, he's nearly having a mental breakdown right now. The most important person in his life right now pretty much told him he regretted ever meeting him. Would you be okay with the love of your life telling you that?"

Jacob shakes his head, "No. I didn't mean...please tell him I'm sorry. I-I know he won't believe it, but just tell him."

Connor watches as Jacob steps off the porch and walks away before even giving the taller boy a chance to reply.


"Did you find him?"

Jacob nods, shutting the front door behind him, "He's with Connor."

"What's going on?"

"Not now, mom, I just want-"

"Sit your ass down and talk."

Jacob stops on the third step and turns around to go to the living room.

He sits on the couch and leans back.

"What's going on with you two?"

Jacob shakes his head softly, "I don't know, mom. We just haven't been getting along."

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised, really."


"You spend every waking minute with each other. Even when you're asleep, you guys are touching in some way. You're bound to get annoyed with each other eventually."

"But that doesn't give you the right to tell him you wish you had never met him, Jacob."

Squeezing his eyes shut, tears begin to build in Jacob's eyes.

He sniffles, "I didn't mean it, mom. I was just-"

"-mad, and you were trying to get under his skin, I know. Your father was the same way. Every fight we had he'd try to say the nastiest things just to piss me off. And it worked, just like it did with Troye. But I also know he never meant any of it. Troye and I aren't the same of course, but I know deep down he knows you love him."

"What do I do, mom?"

"Give him space. That's the best thing to do right now."Jacob nods slowly.

"This doesn't mean you're off the hook though. You still hurt him. You're grounded. I want the bathroom cleaned, the kitchen spotless, and the only reason I'm not taking your phone is incase Troye texts or calls you. If I see you on it, I will take it and Troye will be talking to me, not you. Now go."

BLUE EYED BOY (Tracob | DDLB)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя