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"Daddy, me don't wanna get up," Troye whines as the lamp, that usually doesn't wake him up, is switched on.

"You don't have to, sweetheart, but I do," Jacob chuckles.


"Cause I gotta go to school."


"Cause I's gotta get an edumacation."

Troye giggles at Jacob's butchered sentence making the elder grin.

"Now gimme a kiss before I get ready," Jacob says softly leaning down close to Troye's face.

Troye kisses his cheek.

"Thank you, now I can get ready happily."

"Daddy?" Troye says once Jacob gets to the bathroom.

"Yes, baby?"

"Does my kissies make you happy?"

"Yes, they do."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Me being happy? I'd say that's a good thing," the elder chuckles.

"Tha's good."

Jacob smiles as he brushes his teeth.

"Daddy?"Jacob spits, "Yes?"

"Love you."

"I love you too, baby boy."

"Don't hurt Adam today, daddy."

Jacob sighs. "I'll try not to," he mumbles.

"What, daddy?"

"I said I won't, honey," he says louder.

"You stay home with me?"

"You want me to stay home with you?"

"Uh huh."

"Um, I don't know if I should, honey."

"You don't wanna?"

"Of course I do, sweetheart, but I've missed a lot of school already," Jacob sighs walking into the bedroom and sitting on the bed.

"Jus' one more day? P'ease?"

Jacon sighs again softly, "Let me go ask mom."

Troye smiles.


"Troye, get back here!"

"No, you's gonna yell at me!"

"Am I not already yelling at you?!"

"You's gonna yell more though!" Troye whines as he crawl under the desk in Jacob's room.

"Well then maybe you should listen next time!" Jacob grumbles, walking up the stairs.

"I doesn't mean to!"

"No, but if you would have listened to me, it could have prevented."

Jacob stands in the doorway of his bedroom, staring at Troye's fuzzy socks sticking out from under the desk.

"Come our from under there," he says softly, hearing the little sniffle.

"No," Troye whines, tightening Jacob's hoodie around his body, seeking protection.

Jacob sighs and sits on the bed, "You're covered in milk. We have to get you a bath. Come on out."

Troye doesn't budge but sniffles again.

Jacob shuts his eyes trying to remain calm.

It hasn't been the best morning to say the least.

Once Jacob got permission to stay home, the two cuddled in bed for a while, eventually getting up around ten o'clock to start their day.

Jacob made them both a bowl of cereal since their wasn't much to make.

He had told Troye multiple times to sit down and eat, but the little just simply wouldn't listen which resulted in him spilling his cereal all over the front of himself.

"Baby, come on. You need a bath. And I need to wash my hoodie before it starts to stink."

He hears shuffling for a moment before watching his milk covered hoodie being thrown out from under the desk.

He sighs and rolls his eyes.

Standing up, he walks over to the desk and squats down and instantly tries not to coo at the sight.

Troye sits with his bare knees to his bare torso, pink lace panties being the only thing on his body right along with his white and blue striped fuzzy socks.

He pouts upon seeing his boyfriend.

"C'mon, brat. We gotta get you clean."

"You's gonna yell at me," Troye whines softly, tightly hugging his legs to his torso.

"I'm not gonna yell at you. I promise, honey. Just come on out. We'll get you a bath and then we can cuddle some more. We'll go out to lunch later, how about that? That sound good?"

Troye doesn't reply for a minute before eventually nodding and allowing Jacob to lift him up and carry him to the bathroom for a bath.

Troye sits silently as Jacob washes his sticky body.

"Daddy," he says quietly.


"I-is you's mad at TroTro?"

Jacob sighs silently and looks at his little's face, "No, I'm not mad at TroTro."

"How come did you yelled?"

"I'm not mad, but you know better, and I also told you several times to sit down and be careful," Jacob explains.

Carefully grabbing Troye's chin between his thumb and index finger, he forces the little to look at him, "Did I not say that?"

"You's did, daddy," Troye mutters softly.

"And what didn't you do?"

"Sit down and be carful."

"That's right. So many things could have happened. You coulda spilled the milk and slipped and hurt yourself, you coulda dropped the bowl and broke it potentially cutting yourself. You know? I don't just tell you to be careful cause I wanna be mean. I don't want anything to happen to you. Understood?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Good," Jacob sighs kissing the little's nose before grabbing the plastic cup and filling it with water.

"Head back."

BLUE EYED BOY (Tracob | DDLB)Where stories live. Discover now