Chapter 2

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You woke up last, mainly due to the fact that you rather liked your lie ins. Though your friends weren't having it. You moaned as you got out your sleeping bag, having a quick change of clothes. You soon went out to join them. Cereal was on the menu for breakfast or an apple. You had no idea what you would be doing today, so you just took the apple.

"Figured we should explore the place." Sophie suggested.

"Sounds alright to me." Tina replied, you nodded in agreement.

Finishing up breakfast, and packing the bowls and food away. The four of you headed straight off deeper in the woods. The place being ever so calm and ever so quiet, the scenery was also very therapeutic as well. The many shades of green and tall trees shading you from the blazing morning sunlight. The ground being so earthy and brown underneath you as well. You took a deep breath, filling your mind with new fresh memories, to replace the old ones.

Getting quite deep into the woods, far away from the camp. The woods become more seduced and spooky is a way, like it was cutting you off from the world.

"What is that?" Tina asked, as she stopped. Cara almost walked into her.

You looked to see her pointing at some rope and metal on the ground. Sophie stopped as well, coming over to look at it.

"That ain't no bear trap." You clarified.

"Deer?" Tina then asked.

You shook your head.

"Well I don't like it." Tina said. "Sophie does your uncle hunt here."

Sophie shrugged in reply, before walking on. She wasn't that all bothered with it. You reassured your two friends, before walking on to. They proceeded the walk as well, avoiding the trap and making sure there wasn't any more.


A few hours later you all came back to the camp site, with the sun setting real quick. Dinner was rushed, but the campfire of marshmallows wasn't. Running out of the biscuit parts of s'mores, there were packs of marshmallows brought. Soon after that you all headed to bed, but before you could all drift off to sleep.

A loud branch snapping happened, before a growl of annoyance. You were all sitting up in the tent, silence then filled he atmosphere. What on earth was that? It certainly wasn't any animal you could thing of. Suddenly a dark shadow had appeared round the side of the tent. You could make out a hat and long claws from the shadow.

"That's not a deer." Tina whispered.

"Well done Einstein!" Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Shut up!" You hissed at the pair of them. Whilst keeping an eye on the shadows.

Slowly and lightly, you saw the claws pushing against the tent. As they clawed down the fabric. Letting out a growl noise, you weren't as scared as you thought. However Cara next to you was breathing heavily, she was scared of it.

"It's gonna kill us! It's gonna kill us!" She kept repeating.

With another low growling on the outside of the tent. What ever it was, had began to shake the tent. All four of you screamed, all trying to get out of the tent. Opening the zip up before getting stuck with the fabric. The four of you scrambled out and ran off in the dark.

More deep growls filled the silence, as two of you were screaming into the night. With a new sound of wings flapping, all you could here was panting and wheezing now.

Only till then Cara screamed, it was the only time you had heard her being her loudest. You looked behind to see her caught in a trap.

"Cara!" You called running to her.

"(Y/n)! We can't stop now!" Sophie shouted.

You stopped to listen. The woods had fallen silent all around you. Either this thing was gone or was lurking by, you weren't leaving Cara behind though. Untying the rather weak notes of the trap, you helped her up, but she was in no shape to run.

"I'm not letting you die on my watch." You mumbled, helping Cara walk to where Sophie was hiding.

Cara whimpered to every time she had to put pressure on her foot. Telling you that these traps where deadly, not just death wise but injury wise. If you escape there was no guarantee that you were going to get far.

"It's got Tina." Sophie panicked.

"Hey we'll just leave tomorrow, right now we need to survive the night. What the time?" You asked.

"Phones back at in the tent, Cara has a watch." Sophie replied.

Cara gave you the watch, the glass being smashed but it read half two. Which meant it was early in the morning, you hoped it was still working, and thankfully it was.

"Right we're leaving at six."

"Not without Tina." You were surprised.

The leaves began rustling around you, and the two of you stayed quiet. Cara began whimpering, Sophie hissed at her to shut up.

"Tina wasn't exactly a good friend, I couldn't care less about her!" Sophie snapped.

The three of you then stayed put staying in complete silence. You couldn't tell if Sophie meant it or not. If she was just saying that so you could all get it, that's fair enough, but if she really meant it. Then that wasn't as nice. No more noises or signs that the creature was coming back, perhaps it was just messing with you. It only wanted one victim, either way it was still scary.

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