Chapter 1

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"Get out! I don't ever want to see you again!" You shouted, chucking his coat at him.

You sat down on the sofa, with your head in your hands. Breaking down, you just couldn't believe that he did that to you. After all you did for him, this is how he would repay you. You had just caught your boyfriend flirting with another girl, and after having a huge argument he came clean. Telling you he was having an affair. You were disgusted with him. What a great way to start your Friday, with a fantastic afternoon ruined.

"He can go and live with his cheap woman now." You mumbled, as you lied down the sofa.

Turning the TV, you decided to do some binge watching to make yourself feel better. Although to make it better you made yourself some popcorn as well. Alone time was the kind of comfort at the moment.


About halfway through the fifth episode of your favourite show, you got a notification from one of your friends. You looked at your phone reading the message, replying back with you didn't want to talk at the minute. So she then rang you.

"Look I just said I didn't want to talk!" You snapped at her.

"Oh don't be like that (Y/n), besides he wasn't for you. He was a real jerk." Your friend Sophie sympathised. "Tell you what, I'll sort out a holiday trip with the girls. That way you can forget about him, sound good?"

You sighed. "You know me to well."

Sophie giggled. "It's what friends are for, alright well make sure you have your clothes packed. We'll be around yours at three."

Sophie said bye first and then you did, before hanging up. A bit annoyed that she was doing this, but however she was right. You did need to get out of the house. Pausing the TV, you got up and went to your bedroom to pack the clothes. Not knowing what the trip was going to be. You decided a rucksack would be suitable, since you did quite a lot of walking with your friends.

"Let's just hope it's not a trip to Vegas, though that seems to dramatic." You said to yourself.

After packing your clothes and a few other things, you went back to the sofa and carried on with your binge watching. Till it was three in the afternoon which was in a hour and a half. The show was now taking a dive straight into the story you just had. The main character had caught her husband cheating with her sister. The plot line making you feel worse than before.

"The irony." You mumbled, switching it to another one of tour favourite shows. This one being a fantasy genre, with no need to affairs.

Watching two episodes of that it was fifteen minutes past three, and your friends were here. Switching off the TV, and grabbing your rucksack you headed out to see them.

"Hey girls." You greeted.

"Right lets get this trip started!" Called Sophie, her being the blonde hair enthusiastic friend.

"Yes let's go." Encourage Tina, who was the brunette one. Who encouraged people to do well.

Your other friend was Cara, who was a brunette we well. Was the sort of quiet one but when you had an interest with her, she would come out of her shell. The four of you all walked down the apartment stairs and to the chair. Shoving your bag in to the boot before getting in the backseat. Sophie drive that car, she was mostly like the leader of the group. Though you had your own freedom so you weren't to under controlled by her.

"So where are we going?" You asked, seeing as no one told you.

"Camping!" The three replied.

"That's a first." You joked.

"My Dads uncle owns the land so we'll be ok with the woods." Sophie said.

"Great." You replied.

The conversation soon went from camping to the new cute guy that was becoming a frequent customer to a cafe that Tina and Cara were both working at. Though Sophie told them to quit it, as you had just broken up from your relationship. So it fell silent in the car. Driving out of the little town and down the countryside road. All you could see was green and fellow fields for miles. A few patches of trees to. Soon enough you were near the camping grounds. As the trees near the road as branches hanging high over, shielding you from the low sun of winter.

"We're here!" Exclaimed Sophie, turning the car into the opening of the woods.

The whole place seemed quiet and peaceful, which made your forget about your terrible morning. Yes, now is the time to clear your mind. Sophie stopped the car and turned off the engine. The four of you got out, going to the boot to grab your stuff. A small car slowly drove down the country road, before stopping.

"You all doomed, unless you leave now. Don't let it get what it wants!" Warned the man in the car.

"Clear off, my uncle owns this place!" Sophie replied.

"Suit yourselves. You're all damned." He drive off again.

Sophie stuck her middle finger up at him. "Creep! Let's go girls."

Setting up the camp wasn't that hard, and neither was making dinner. Which was soon followed by S'mores. As the conversations were about what the next days were going to be, and how they should do camping more often. It was only till that night, something bad was going to happened.

You had no idea what time it was but there was loud snapping noises of branches. Sounding like it was quite a distant away.

"What was that?" Asked Tina, sitting up and grabbing the flashlight.

"Mother Nature." Replied Sophie.

"Aka deer." You translated.

"Don't work yourself over what that creep said earlier. These woods are perfectly safe." Sophie went back to sleep.

You were about to go back to sleep, but Tina asked you to stay up a little later. Just to make sure, that it was really 'Mother Nature' You reassured her saying it was just that. Although you were going to have a bad feeling about this, was it the mans warning? Or was it the saying that 'It always comes in threes?' With the first being your break up, and the next thing being the camping trip. Who knew. Who knew.

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