Chapter 6 // Cookies

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Kara sat in Lena's-their office a their house. She was working on a new article that Snapper send her a couple minutes after they had called Cat. They even got a text from Cat, something she never did, but it was settled, Kara only needed to work two days in the week. And she could work from home if needed.

Kara leaned back in the way too comfy chair and stretched, not that she needed to stretch but it just gave a good feeling, trying to be a bit more human. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, making Kara sit up right and look towards the door. There stood Lena, a tray in hand, Kara motioned for her to come in which she did.

Lena placed the tray in front of Kara on the bureau, and that was the first time Kara saw what it was tea with cake. She chuckled and said "Awfully British."

Lena sat down "Yes, normally I drink tea at this time." Kara got confused and a crinkle appeared between her eyes, she glanced at the time on her laptop and saw that it was three o'clock. Kara placed her laptop to the side and with that Lena prepared tea for them. 

Some time later Kara was leaning in the chair while sipping on her tea, the crinkle still there she asked "Why do you drink tea?"

"Jess hates it when I drink coffee through the whole day, so she forces me to drink tea at three o'clock. I am not going to tell her that this is as bad- but. For now I just get to enjoy a cup of tea every day." Kara slowly nodded, her crinkle slowly disappearing. 

Kara titled her head to the side, remembering something so she asked "Where is Connor?" She knew Lexie was probably sleeping, so she was in her crib- but Connor, it wasn't his bed time. No his bed time was from one to half past two. 

"He- is with Alex."

Kara tilted her head to the side and asked "Alex?"

"Yea- she arrived not long after you started working- I wanted you to work in peace so- I didn't tell you about her." Kara slowly nodded.

"Thank you, I appreciate it," Lena smiled and sipped on her tea. "But I finished my article. So," Kara stood up "I think it is time we play with our son," Lena grinned and put her cup down. Kara walked around the bureau and held up her hand for Lena to grab.

Lena grabbed it gracefully and stood up. Hand in hand they walked to the living room where Alex was playing with Connor. Kara grinned and cleared her throat, making both Alex and Connor look at her. Connor quickly stood up and ran towards her. Luckily Kara was prepared, so before he could slam into her legs Kara grabbed him and held him up. The first thing he did was yell "Ieiu!" in her ear. Kara flinched but ignored it, Connor completely missed it and said very happy "Aunt Alex played with me! We were building a castle!" Kara looked to the play space in the living room and indeed he was building a castle. "We were going to make it really big!"

Kara chuckled and said "You did? Cool! And, was aunt Alex nice?"

He nodded "Mommy introduced me to her today! Mommy said she is your sister, is that true?"

Kara chuckled again "Yes- She is my sister. She is nice isn't she?" Alex looked at her with a raised eyebrow but Kara just stood there, holding Connor. 

"She is! I didn't know you had a sister, mommy explained when you weren't here yet that you were on a busy-busi,"

Kara suggested "Business trip?"

"Yes, that! So- Mommy talked about you all the time and showed pictures, so I knew who you were, but aunt Alex was only on two," He put two fingers up "pictures."

Kara chuckled and asked "And on how many pictures was mommy?"


Kara chuckled again and asked "Did you already drink and got a cookie?" 

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