Chapter 19

98 3 3

5 month later

Josiah's POV:

Things with India have been going good. After that incident on her birthday we talked about it and we decided not to let silly things pull us apart. We had just finished our exams and it was finally summer. This summer we had to make it lit. Our parents came back for roughly two weeks then they went back to Africa.

I decided to take India out today because I've been having the best time of my life with her and I want her to know this. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time.


I gently shook India. "What Josiah?" She snapped

"Damn girl I just want you to wake up" I said

"Jojo I'm tired" she said

"Baby , you've got a few hours to get ready because I'm taking you out tonight okay" I said and kissed her forehead

"What's the occasion?" She asked

"Things have just been going so well , no secrets no nothing I just wanna treat you" I said

"Aww , you don't have too" she protested

"I do , now I'm going home to take a shower and I'm going to link Blaze so I'll pick you up at 6pm" I said as I got up

"That's so far away bubba" she whined

"Nah it's decent , don't worry it'll be worth it , now come here and give me a kiss" I said as she turned her head to my direction

"I'm tired you come to me" She said and I laughed

I kissed her and left her house.

few hours later

"Blaze I want to marry her" I said whilst we played fifa

"Bro shut up , you're sixteen" he said

"I know but I know I love her and I know we are meant to be"

"Get out of your feelings man , I'm tired of you talking about India"

"Damn trouble in paradise? Wagwan with you and Paige?" I curiously asked

"She's been tripping about this whole gang ish for the longest and I can't take it bro" he confessed

"What? Really? Do you want me to askIndia to ask Paige to cut you some slack because India hasn't brought that up since I was fucked up" I said

"Yeah please man because it's irritating as hell , I know what I'm getting myself into I don't need her constantly reminding me"

"So who you think is the new boss?" I asked

"I have no idea because Isiah doesn't want to be the boss so I'm not sure" he said

"Rumours have it , it's a woman" I said

"What? I hope she's sexy as fuck" he said and I laughed

"You think she can handle the gang?" I asked

"Definitely, she's probably in her late twenties" he said

I looked at the time and saw it was 5pm. I had to get ready.

"Bro I've gotta hit the shower and get ready to go out with inds"I said

"Aight I gotta go anyway so I'll see you soon yeah?" He said and I nodded heading to the shower

I knocked on India's door , even though I had a key I wanted to make this special. I had a driver waiting for us in her driveway. I wanted this to be perfect. She opened the door and she looked beautiful. She had on a red strapless dress that came down to her knees and hugged her body. She had those open toe see through heels on and she was holding her purse.

BestFren (RE WRITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang