Chapter 4

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Josiah's POV: Since my babygirl went on a date with carter , I decided to call Tajia over since I had a free yard. We where chilling in the cinema room and we where watching ' Black panther'. Fam I've watched this movie so many times I don't think you understand. All about the black culture rising init.
It was about 9pm , we haven't kissed or nothing just chilling it's crazy honestly , I feel like my loyalty is drawn to India even though she's out with Carter. I'm pretty sure their date is over now I mean where is she?  "Josiah you okay?" Tajia asked "yh b you?" "Yeah I'm good it's just you were in deep thought , is something bothering you?" "nah b I'm good" "why you do far away man" she said whilst coming closer to me.
Fam this is abit too close for comfort , I don't want to treat Tajia like a hoe either , I hope she's not honestly. She put her arms around me so I put one arm over her , which is harmless right. I fixed my eyes on the movie I was really not tempted to do anything with her. "Ok Josiah what's going on?" She looked up to me "what you talking about b" , "what are you thinking about ? Your bestfriend? Isn't she on a date tonight?" , "yh she is just hope she's good init" "I'm pretty sure she is , now stop worrying and come here". She smashed her lips onto mine , obviously I was shocked at first but I guess I gotta move on with my life so I kissed her back . The kiss became so vigorous but I had control of it , she started taking off my shirt. When the door opened I looked up and it was India. "I'm sorry you told me to come by after my date I didn't mean to interrupt let me go see you later" she said as she left the room , I quickly put my top on and ran down to her , I caught up to her and held her by her hand "baby don't go" , "Josiah you need to stop okay , I'm fine we said we are going to try things out with other people I'm not mad , sorry I interrupted" I pulled her close to me "can you stop apologising, India we only said that because of our brothers but you know I want you and you only" Someone cleared their throat , I turned around and it was Tajia. "Sorry but I don't want to be in the middle of this , if you guys want to be together go ahead don't let anyone tell you can't be together okay , I'll see you around" she said "Tajia wait , I'm sorry for all of this honestly" I started saying "Josiah don't apologise it's all good" and she left. I turned back to India and put my hand out she held it and we went back into my house. We went up into my room and sat on the bed. "India, how was your date" I asked "you're really asking me that" I gave her a confused face "how was your date?" I repeated " it was great but it wasn't with you" I pulled her onto my lap " you know you're my favourite girl after my mum" she started blushing "I know I am" I looked into her eyes and I crashed my lips onto hers , we fought for dominance but I won , our tongues swirled together , I picked her up and laid her onto my bed. I started kissing on her neck giving her the ultimate love bites. I knew her brother would be mad but I needed to mark my territory. I moved my trail down and took off her top , she hesitated and looked at me "what's wrong babygirl" , "I don't like my stomach" I was so confused she had a beautiful body , I started kissing her stomach and she started smiling. "Well I think your stomach is beautiful".
I started sucking on her breast and started giving her more love bites on her breast. I wasn't going to have sex with her because we aren't ready for that but I wanted her to feel good. I pulled down her jeans and looked her in the eye. Then at her baby blue wet panties. I pulled them down and looked at her again for permission to continue, she had her hands over her face which I took as a yes. I put my tongue into good use. This was my first time ever doing this but only because this is my girl. She tasted like strawberries damn that shit is really good. I started going faster as her legs started shaking and she started moaning and screaming my name. Fam turned me on even more so I made my tongue go faster until she started squirting. I got up and looked at her "this kitty is mine , no one else gets it and I'm not trying to have sex with you because you mean more than that , so I'm going to make you feel good all the time princess now come have a shower with daddy" I said and she nodded.
During our shower I really restricted myself from temptation because boy she's so sexy. Afterwards she went into her drawer , she's always here-hence why she has her own drawer in my closet. She put on a pair of shorts and a crop top. We both got into my bed.
"India , I want things to work between us but I know our brothers aren't going to want this so you want to keep this between us for now?"
"yeah I do honestly , how long for tho?" " let's try 4months , and if everything's going well we will tell them" she kissed me "okay yeah" , "so tell me what you and carter done? So I can make sure I do better" she started giggling " he took me to the new ice skating ring then we went nandos and ate" she said "did you enjoy it princess" , " yeah I did but carter is just my friend tbh after tonight I realised he's more of a brother to me than anything else" I smirked "I'm glad because I was planning on how to fuck him up so I could knock some sense into him Infact who's telling him you don't want him because I'd be happy to do it" she gave me a straight face "josiahhh" she said "it's daddy to you" she kissed her teeth , I flipped her down and held her arms down "what did you just do?" She looked at me straight in the eyes "nothing daddy" she said with her little innocent voice "that's what I thought babygirl" , "you're so sexy when you're mad" she said boy I wanted her rn.

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