New Powers, New Troubles

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3rd person POV

The turtles all hurried to restrain Rose while Zara got Master Splinter. Rose had purple light coming from her eyes. Suddenly there was an explosion and a burst of pirple smoke. Once the smoke evaporated, it revealed Rose, but not as who she was before.

Back to original POV Style

Holy mother of God..... -D

She... she.... wha...???!!! -M

Hey guys I got Spli- ...... WTF???!!! -Z

All that mutagen.... Damn. -L

R-rose?? - R

She's a wolf. Like a legitiment wolf.


Whoah. -M

*flash of light* -Rose

ROSE!!!! YOU'RE OKAY!!!!! -Everyone

Duh I'm ok ya idiots. Ow... What the hell just happened?? - Rose

We don't know. I'll run some scans on ya. Let's go to my lab. Z, ya mind helping me? -D

Yeah. No problem -Z

*all go into lab* *Hook Rose p to a bunch of machines*

Splinter, what's gonna happen? -L

I do not know. Rose got up most of the mutagen but I can only imagine there's still some out there. I bet there will indeed be quite a few new mutants in the streets of New York -S

Well, I got all the scans in. -D

Well spit it out!!!!!!!!! -Rose

Okay geez... I'm getting there.... Rose's DNA has been altered. She can transform between her demi-wolf stage and being a real wolf. Her other powers have increased as well. The good news is that even after all that mutagen was absorbed into her body, nothing seems to have hurt her in any negative ways. -D

That... Is... AWESOME! Whoohoo! -Rose

Wow. Nice. That'll come in handy. -L

Later that night

Reports of aliens have been found all over NYC. Everyone is advised to stay inside. -Random News Reporter

Damn. -Z

*April runs in*

You guys!! Are you all okay? -A

Yeah *explains everything to April* -L

Wow. Thats awesome, but what about all these people? We need a retro-mutagen pronto. -A

Yeah. Donnie's workin on it -R

I know I'm not the brightest but....  this might help Shredder with his mutant army. -M

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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