"Look, this is not who we are" she said to Bellamy.

"Ana?" Abby voice questioned through the radio

"It is now" Bellamy said, as he moved past Anastasia, while his minions carried the grounder up much to Octavia's objection, she followed them up.

"Ana?" She heard Abby's voice questioned again.

"Yeah I'm here" Anastasia replied watching Octavia disappear up the ladder. She turned towards Finn, as Clarke poured moonshine all over her hands.

"Can you tell me where the knife is?" Abby asked, Anastasia touched his stomach tying to feel for his rib cage to count it.

"The blade is at a sharp upward angle, between the sixth and seventh ribs" Anastasia replied

"Ok, how deep?" Abby questioned

"I—I can't tell how deep it goes " Anastasia stuttered as she felt the sweat already began.

"That's alright, just don't remove the knife yet" she answered

"Hey, here" Clarke said handing Raven some moonshine, "sterilize your hands", Raven took the moonshine, and swigged it before pouring it over her hands slamming it down on the table. Raven made a bitter face as it went down.

"Clarke, Ana, do you see any fluid" Abby asked, Anastasia got distracted as two guys started fighting each other. She watched one of the guys bump into one of the canisters of moonshine, knocking it over.

"Hey, Clear the room" Clarke said to Raven.

"Everyone, upstairs, now!" Raven yelled, as they began to flock up the ladder, "Let's go" As soon as the room was clear, Raven was back at Finn side. She laid a hand on his head, "he feels a little warm" she added.

"Ok, that's alright, fever sometimes accompanies trauma" Ms.Griffin replied, "I need you to tell me if there is any fluid leaking from the wound?"

"Uh no" Clarke answered looking at the wound. The only liquid was the blood that had previously leaked out.

"That's good" Abby voice spoke, "actually really good, he got lucky"

"Hear that? You're lucky" Raven said comforting Finn. Anastasia spent the last ten minutes explaining the condition that Finn was in, that was the easy part, but then Abby started explaining to Anastasia how to pull out the knife, sometimes she's never done before.

"Firm grip on the knife" Abby spoke in a somewhat calming voice but nothing was really calming with the static coming through,"You're gonna need to angle it upward and to the left very slightly to the left as it exits the ribcage"

"How slightly?" Anastasia asked concerned

"3 mili—" was all she heard before it cut out.

"What was that?" Clarke asked, "you dropped out"

"3 millimeters" Abby said again, "got it?"

"Yeah" Anastasia replied worried, she took a deep breath, and then another trying to calm herself down. As she held the life of someone in her hands while two people that love him stand before her.

"Here it goes" Anastasia said as she gripped the knife again.

"Steady hand, Anastasia" Abby said, "you've assisted me on tricker procedures than this, and once that knife is out, the hard part it over"

Fallen: b.b (book 1)  REWRITING Where stories live. Discover now