chapter four

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𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚜

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𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚜

𝓐nastasia promised to help Wells bury the 2 kids that died during the landing after he came back from the river bed and at the break of dawn that is what they were doing. Anastasia dug the holes as Wells undressed them and placed them into the graves, while he covered them up. Menial work was not something that she was used to, so Anastasia managed to work up a sweat.

"I'm sorry for last night" Anastasia said looking at Wells as he covered up the last graves. Wells looked at her with kind eyes, but there was hidden resentment.

"There was nothing you could do, i'm just glad they didn't get to you too" Wells replied sealing the graves before grabbing the clothes.

"It's not fine, i bet the Ark is starting to believe that the Earth is unlivable and your father is probably heartbroken" she uttered walking behind him it wasn't hard to keep up with him as the limp was still visible.

"You're still alive to them, and that's all they need, you're the Ark's shining hope, their star" he retorted, causing Anastasia to stop, she was taken back by his comment, it was a stab at her.

"What the hell did Bellamy say to you last night?" Anastasia questioned, as she started walking again keeping up with Wells.

"Nothing, nothing" Wells shook it off "you know it's true, you were the one that learned all my father's advice not me" he spoke again after taking a break, showing his real feelings. Anastasia grabbed his arm and pulled it back in shock.

"Don't blame this on me, I didn't asked for any of this, and i don't just mean on earth, i mean back on the Ark too" Anastasia said but Wells quickly pulled it away and continued towards camp.

They walked to camp planing on hiding the clothes in the drop ship so they could only people who needed the clothes could taken them. Just like on the Ark, needs were more important than wants.

"Where'd you get the clothes?" A guy asked walking up to them as he left his friends.

"Buried the two kids that died during the landing" Wells answered holding the clothes tightly. Anastasia offered before they started to take some of the clothes but Wells declined claiming he didn't need help.

"Smart" he said with a smirk "you know i'll take it from here, there's always a market"

Anastasia cut him off "We share based on needs, just like back home" moving Wells away from him. Just them shirtless Bellamy appears from the curtains with a brunette accessory around his waist.

Fallen: b.b (book 1)  REWRITING Where stories live. Discover now