Chapter Eight

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Facing Your Demons

recommended song:Breathe by Fleurie

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recommended song:
Breathe by Fleurie


Alessandra stood beside Director Fury as they faced a heavily guarded door. She watched curiously as he punched in a code, his finger hovering over the button to unlock it.

"I'll allow you go in alone, but my men will guard every inch of this hallway. You will be recorded, a live feed of your conversation streaming right to my team and I. If you let him out, we will take you down." Fury paused, turning to look at her over his shoulder. "Am I clear?"

"Crystal." Alessandra replied, giving him a tantalizing smirk.

Fury sighed deeply, hoping he wasn't going to regret his decision of letting her help. As he unlocked the door, giving Alessandra a nod of approval, she immediately melted into the background, making herself invisible. Fury stood in shock for a moment before reminding himself of her abilities and reluctantly locking the door behind her.

As Alessandra slipped into the room, she focused on keeping her breathing level and her footfalls silent. She slowly circled around the back, her eyes set upon the giant glass cage in the very center. Sitting off to the side, staring at the floor, was Loki. He looked just as he had the night she saw him in Germany. And, just as he had that night, he took her breath away. The last time Alessandra had seen him, his hair was short and cropped, but now, it was long and slicked back, the tips curling at the ends. His eyes seemed so much more full of life, and his Asgardian tunic showed off his broadened shoulders. As she stood for a moment, simply admiring his new look, Alessandra quickly scolded herself when she realized she had been staring too long. Shaking any disrupting thoughts from her head, she began another loop around the cage. This time, something from within the cage caught her eye. As she circled him, Loki's head shifted to the side, the movement unnoticeable to a human but easily caught by the goddess. Alessandra paused her walk, watching his lips purse as she waited for him to speak.

"I know someone is there." His deep voice filled the small room. "I can feel your presence."

Not yet ready to reveal her identity, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax. Simply seeing Loki caused her heart beat to pick up, and she refused for him see that he was still her weakness after all this time. As she calmed herself down, Loki stood patiently, his gaze darting around the room trying to spot her. It didn't take long for him to catch the tiniest bit of vibration in the air in front of him as eyes landed on hers. Despite her efforts to avoid any signs of weakness, making direct eye contact with him caused Alessandra's shield to falter. As she reappeared, she was now pitifully aware that she stood face to face with the person she had so desperately hoped to never see again. Seeing her finally stand before him, Loki hummed softly.

"I was wondering when you would come for me."

Alessandra stepped up towards the cage, fighting to hide any signs of hesitation from the god. Allowing her amber eyes to meet his green ones, she felt that familiar spark ignite inside of her as he surveyed her form, drinking her in.

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