Secret (Jackson Avery x OC)

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Ever since the merge with Mercy West the Seattle Grace residents have been on edge

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Ever since the merge with Mercy West the Seattle Grace residents have been on edge. It was no secret that the residents didn't like the newcomers. It had been three months and nothing in their relationship hadn't really changed. Some of the tension went away after the night April Kepner was fired, but that was just a little part.

Everyone disliked each other.

Well almost everyone.

Ever since the first day of the merge Doctor Jackson Avery and Doctor Emily Grey had felt a pull towards each other. He didn't know if it was her blinding smile that threw him to her and she didn't know if it was his piercing eyes that had first caught her attention, but what they both did know was that they liked this strange feeling they got when they were around each other.

They went out for drinks after work, talked, got to know each other better and as time went on, they even started going on dates. When they were together, they felt at ease. Nothing really mattered and it being just the two of them was amazing.

But at work the situation was different.

No one knew anything about their relationship. They both wanted their friends to know that they had found someone who made them truly happy, but with the tension still high it didn't seem like a good time.

So, after two months of dating they were still a secret to the outside world.

That was, until they got caught.

Emily had had a hard case. It was a trauma. Hit and run. A 15-year-old boy had been hit and even though they had done everything they could and more, the boy died.

Coming out of the surgery, all Emily wanted was to find comfort and she knew exactly where to find it.

As the doors of the elevator opened Emily saw Jackson standing there. With out a moments notice she flung her arms around him and cried.

"Woah, babe what happened?" Jackson tried to understand what was going on.

"Just lost a patient. I don't know why this is so hard. It's not like I've never lost a patient before, but it's just so hard to get though this." Emily managed to say.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay," Jackson said and kissed her head.

They stayed in each other's arms for a few moments longer and then slowly pulled apart.

"No matter what, I will be there for you. Okay?" Jackson said while taking Emily's face in his hands.

"Okay," was Emily's reply.

They leaned closer to each other and kissed. A slow and comforting kiss.

Being in the moment neither one of them noticed the elevator doors opening and the other residents standing there.

"What is this!" Alex exclaimed.

They pair jumped apart.

"We... um we... just, you know," Emily tried to form a sentence.

Everyone was shocked about what they saw. A Mercy West and a Seattle Grace doctor were getting along and by the looks of it more then just along.

"What were you thinking?" said Reed to Jackson. "Why her?"

"Hey!" said Christina, "A better question is why him. Don't come insulting her."

The other residents continued bickering.

Jackson saw Emily becoming upset again and decided that he had had enough.

"Guys stop!" Jackson raised his voice, and everything got quiet. "This is not about you guys or the competition for the title "Where to better doctors come from". We are now one hospital. And hospital put aside, I love her and something that feels this good can't be bad. So stop it and get over yourselves."

Everyone looked stunned.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I will be going home with my girlfriend." As Jackson said that, he took hold of Emily's hand and walked away from their co-workers and the drama that often came with them.

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