Martina pov

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I wake up to my dad and mom singing happy birthday. Yes today is my birthday now i'm 20 years, i can see they have a lots of gifts, and surely some big ones, because they are rich, "goodmorning sweetheart" my dad says "Morning" i say sleepy, "We have some presents for you" my mom says "yes! presents" she gives me one and i pack up the gift and sees a.. New phone, it's an iphone 11, "aww thanks mom, dad" "you're wlcome,next gift" he hands me the next gift and i start unpacking it, and when i open it my heart skips a beat, i see a puppy (in media) "OMG! it's so cute" "yeah we also thought that, but what is her name? You Can choose what you want to call her" Omg it's a girl it can't get any better "ehh... i'll call it, princess" i think that suits. I'm opening more gifts but it's all clothes, i take up a box and opnes it, omg it's a chanel parfume, "and the last one", my dad gives me a little box, i unwrap the paper and open it, it,s car keys, i look up at them, "we bought you a car," my dad says, and right now i'm smiling like crazy "where is it?" "come" we go downstairs and to the garage "here it is" my mom says and i can see a pink glittery lamborghini "OMG! it's amazing thank you so much" i say, "no problem" they say at the same time, i'll go and get dressed and then i'll drive to school.

I drive in my new car, and when i come to the school everyone is looking at me, i park and go outside, i also have some of my new clothes on, and that's a pink skirk, white shirt, highheels and a pink glittery handbag.

"you look AHHH!".. right now i am with mechi, cande and Lodo, "thank you, i also got a new car and a puppy" i say and they are just looking at me weird, "don't you think we heard about your new car, everyone is talking about it", well yeah ok "see what i also got" i show them my new phone, "it's an iphone 11" "omg you always get big gifts" Mechi says jaloux, "yeah i know, but today in the first brake i'll give my iphone xr, to someon else" i say, to be honest i just got it a month ago, but i want everything new. "See you later i gotta go to class" i say and walk off, on my way to my class everyone says happy birthday, and as always i walk pass theme pretending to not hear. I walk in the class and the teacher also says happy birthday, but with her i just smile and walk to my seat. In class no one wanna sit besides me, because if they are going to work with me they know i wont do anything. "OK everyone look up at me" the teacher begins with speaking and everyone looks up " today we have a new student, say welcome to Jorge" a tall guy comes through the door, "hi, he say, and i can see every girl starring at him, and if they want him, i will have him. Suddenly i realise the only place he can sit, is besides me, "Jorge, tell us about yourself" the teacher command, "ehh.. ok, my name is Jorge, i'm 21 years, i love music, and also write songs" "fine, you can sit down besides Martina" he walks over to the empty seat next to me, suddenly one in the back who i guess is Cole shouts "GIRL!" and the whole class laugh, i don't know why, but i don't laugh. I can see Jorge loosing his cool, and before i know it he is over in the other side off the class room, he is forming a fist with his hand and punch Cole right on the cheek, everyone gasps and Jorge storms out off the class, i stand up and follow him, and again i don't know why, it just happens.
I'm walking in the hallway looking for Jorge, "AHH!!" i can hear someone scream, i walk fast over to it. Guess what i see, Jorge beating, oh no, beating Zac. It never ends good, so before Jorge can do more i call after him "Jorge!!" he turns around and looks at me, i can see he is angry and... Been crying? He is the first guy i see cry, here in highschool, "what!!" he shout at me angry, "come!" i say, but before he says anything, i see Zac coming up from the floor and nearly jump on him. Out of shock Jorge fall down and now Zac start punching him, "STOP!" i shout and walk fast over to them. I pull Zac off Jorge, "Zac he's new, stop it!" i shout at him, "yeah i know, why do you think i was teasing him?" Zac says smirking at Jorge. I can see Jorge is to beat him down again, so i stand in-between them, " Zac! Go away!" i shout and he goes away. "Jorge?" i ask in my nicest voice, "what?" he says angry, "so now you're angry with me? Because i helped you?" i ask out off disbelief, "yes" he says still angry, "you know what? whatever Zac said that made you cry and become angry, he was right" i can see him walking up to me, and wispering something in my ear "you don't know me, or what he said" i can see he is hurt, and his eyes is getting wet again. He walks off and i feel bad for him. bacause he is right, i don't know him or what Zac said.

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