Jorge's pov

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i run out off the classroom, and sit down against my locker. Everyone is in their class so no one sees me. suddenly a boy comes to me, "are you crying" he asks me, and it's first now i realise that i am crying, " Mabey" i answer him, "yes you are, so why?" he ask why. i can't tell him, bacause it sounds so stuppid and weak if i tell it, "just because off something" i say, "just tell me" i stay silent for a little while, before telling him why i am crying, " so you are crying over someone calling you a girl?" he asks out of disbelieves " yes, or no, i don't know. it's just that you know, when i am singing i feel close to my parents who died when i was little, i can't remember them anymore, so when i sing i just feel like they still are living" i say trying to hold my tears in, "ha, you know what, the boy who called you a girl is right, the story is for a girl. Boys don't cry over things like that, and your parents aren't alive, not even if you sing" he says and walk away, but before he could get away i jump on him so he falls on the ground, i sart punching him "Ahh" i hear him shout, i think it's because it hurts, and then he is calling me a girl. " Jorge!!" i hear someone cal my name "what!!" I shout back angry and turns to the one who shouts it, I can see it is ehh... a girl I can't remember her name "come!!" I stand up but before I know it the boy jump on me and I fall on the ground. He start punching me until I hear the girl shout "Stop!!" I can see she is walking to us and pull off the boy, "zac he is new, stop it" she shouts angry at him, "yeah I know, why do you think I was teasing him?" The boy who i guess is Zac says smirking at me and I'm about to beat him again but the girl goes between us "Zac go away!" She shout, and he leaves "Jorge?" The girl say "what?" I answer kind off mad, "so now you are angry with me, because I helped you" she says not believing it, "yes" "you know what? whatever Zac said that made you cry and become angry he was right" when she said that I was about to cry again, I go to her and whisper in her ear "you don't know me, or what he said" I say and walks away.

Right now i'm walking in a park. I know it wasn't that nice, to be angry with the girl. But she don't know what i've been through. I mean she surely have both her parents, who love her and me i have people who don't love me. My biological parents are dead, and i just came to the people i stay with, yesterday. But in about a month i have to move to a new 'family' because those i stay with now don't want me. This is the 7th time in a year i'm moving, because people don't want me. And i don't even know why they don't want me.

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