Part 1: Prologue

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"Have you ever tried something like this before? Hosting a stranger for this matters, I mean." Inquired Yoohyeon while looking at the moving trees beside, pleasantly glancing at the nature around them.

"No, it's the first time." Siyeon's answer was more serious this time, her voice becoming quiet. "And I would never really try it, but being all alone became very sorrowful, you see. I just wanted to find a solution, then I received your letter."

The brunette girl turned her head back to her host, breaking into a grin that included her eyes. Siyeon tilted her head, returning the smile and now looking in front as if she was trying to spot something. "See that house over there?" Yoohyeon tried looking toward the place Siyeon was pointing her finger, nodding her head after seeing the white house. "That's mine."

After a few minutes, the carriage stopped, Siyeon stepping down carefully and looking back at Yoohyeon to tell her to do the same.

Yoohyeon stood beside her, carefully looking at her host's house. The gates protecting the home were made of shiny black stone, while the house was built with polished white rock. Yoohyeon stood there, gaping at the small mansion that was set beyond the sidewalk, towering over her. She took a step closer and took in the essence of the home. It wasn't too big, but it looked so pleasant and enjoyable.

Siyeon strolled forward, clearing a path for her visitor and turning to her with a smile "Welcome, Yoohyeon. I sincerely hope you will enjoy being here."

The brunette girl thanked her, following her inside. The stoneware that was driving the way to the house made such esthetical energy, and Yoohyeon cheerfully strolled upon it while drawing near to the house.

"You seem excited." Siyeon laughed, walking beside the tall girl calmly while swaying her flower dress around.

"That is on the grounds that I am, milady! This house is so wonderful." Yoohyeon exclaimed, and she settled the score more energized when Siyeon opened the entryway, hanging tight for her to go in first.

Yoohyeon slowly walked inside, looking around the inner side of the house this time. The black and white linoleum floor was obviously having been cleaned before they came. Round stairs lay across the living room, climbing toward the ceiling.

"So? What do you think?" Siyeon asked with an expecting voice.

"Goodness, I will enjoy being here a lot." Answered Yoohyeon and put her luggage on the floor, smiling in an agony.

Beautiful house with a beautiful owner.--She thought.

"Leave your stuff there, I will show you around, first, if that's okay with you."

"Of course." Yoohyeon happily answered and followed the older woman, who went for the kitchen first. It was cosy, light and welcoming. There were two big windows above the sink which drew Yoohyeon's attention. She thought how pleasant it would be to cook something while also looking at that scenery at the same time.

Then, Siyeon showed her the living room, dining room, master and guest bedrooms, the basement and the attic. Her house didn't look that big from the outside, but it was surely enormous and extensive from the inside.

"The main bathroom is at the end of the hallway, but there's also one in the bedroom," Siyeon explained, stopping where they started: in front of Yoohyeon's bags. "If you have anything else to ask, you can always do so. If you need anything, always come to me. Now, you're most probably tired, let's bring your bags to your room so you can rest for a bit, and then let's have lunch, alright?"

Yoohyeon nodded her head, but before Siyeon would walk toward the luggage, she softly held out her hand and caught her arm, making her turn toward her. "I know it's a bit sudden, but can I stay in the attic? It looked so lovely... There was a bed, too, and the scenery from the windows is just amazing. I would like to sleep there." Yoohyeon said, looking at the blonde woman with hopeful eyes.

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