« One: Encounter »

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« One: Encounter »

     Dark thick clouds have formed above the sky-level, ready to pour the liquid in purpose to drench the place. The people rapidly prepared themselves to keep them dry, looking for a shelter, leaving the streets empty. The students of Usagiyama High School are lucky that they have been dismissed earlier before the rain started to pour. Some basically got home and some stayed longer to spend time with friends or its club. The [COLOUR] haired girl, wearing the school uniform that is composed of a dark blue dress and a white shirt, walked alone in the hallway without an umbrella — or anything — to keep herself dry.

     She tightened the hold on her bag's strap as soon as drops of rain began to pour down to the ground. The only sound was the rain harshly hitting the glass windows.

     The [COLOUR] eyed came close to the transparent window and peacefully watch. Her breathe made contact to the glass that resulted to covered with fog, she blankly drag her index finger to draw a heart. The activity made her mind relaxed. She stared at it for a moment before wiping her masterpiece as voices filled the empty hallway and found three figures on the distance. The [COLOUR] haired girl brought back her gaze at the scenery outside as she pay no mind at the comers.

     "Did you finish it?" Inuyama, the short boy with a red glasses asked.

     "Finish what?" The brownish-gold haired teen, Mochizou, answered with a confused voice.

     "Oh, boy. Did you seriously forgot to finish the video?" Inuyama dramatically sighed.

     Mochizou frisky rolled his eyes. "I've already done the cut yesterday so that leaves me to finish it tomorrow. It can't be done today because I have homework to do." He explained, having a sheepish smile on his lips, his hands gripping the straps of his bag. "So don't worry."

     "You don't say, you don't say." Momotarou, the tall guy with a round glasses, his eyes are not fully shown said sarcastically in which Mochizou nudge him in the side playfully.

     Momotarou reciprocate the action as Mochizou grin child-like and repeatedly did the same. This resulted for the two of them to tickle each other and shortly, Inuyama joined in. Their laughter echoed in the empty hallway which interrupted the peace of mind of the [COLOUR] haired girl, her eye twitched in vexation.

     She heard their heavy footsteps coming closer. She wanted them to quicken their pace and leave the area. The laughter was present which she concluded that they were still poking at each others. Promptly, the noises deceased but before the [COLOUR] eyed girl could thanked the heavens — she felt stares bored into the back of her head — she abruptly side-glance at them with fierce in her eyes.


     All of the boys flinched and hastily averted her out from their peripheral vision. The trio walked in a stilly manner as they passed through her location. [NAME] watched their backs as they turn to the left path, losing the sight of them. Leaving herself alone again in the hallway.

     She turned her attention back to the rain outside, guilt shook her entire body for making the boys quiver on her presence. She felt like a jerk for the action.

     It really is pouring hard. If I go out without an umbrella, my bag would be soaking wet also the content inside! I think I have no choice but to leave my bag behind if I want to get home by now. She sighed at the obvious. She begin to drag her feet to her classroom to put the bag inside her locker.

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