Chapter 1

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The photo is of Stephanie. :D

Hello people of wattpad! I'm really new to wattpad so I apologize if there are some

mistakes in here. Well, that's all I have to say for now so I hope you like it! I plan on keeping the years a secret because 2012 isn't going to happen, but lets keep the same dates as 2012! xD


December 20th, XXXX-

I opened the front door to be welcomed by my more than average life.

"Honey, can you please go get the mail?" My mom asked.

No problem. It wasn't likely I was gonna do anything. I was I straight-A student, so nobody worried about me doing bad things. I hadn't had a boyfriend in my entire, 17-year-old life. Contrary, I felt, to the normal case, as every single one of my friends, excluding myself, had one.

It wasn't as if I was attractive, in any case. I used to wear glasses, but they had broken a while ago, and I wasn't blind enough to actually need them. My hair was a light blonde, and it reached my shoulders. It was wavy, and I thought it was pretty, but apparently no one else did. My eyes were blue, apparently I had obtained them from my father's side. Whenever I was upset or angry, they would turn into a stormy silver.

I always talked to my mother about my appearance, and asked her why I wasn't attractive. She said that she felt the same day when she was younger, but as time went on, she had gotten prettier. And she was beautiful, my mother was.

I sighed and grabbed the keys to the mailbox, snapping out of my reverie as my mother shot me an inquisitive glare. The sun was sinking behind the mountains to the West, casting its orange rays across the ground in a rather lovely manner. The sky was beginning to prelude that twilight was on its way, and the stars began to peek from their previous hiding places.

I slid my key into the mailbox lock, having already walked the half a block to reach my destination. There was a sudden trembling in the ground. I reached for the mailbox to support myself, but I was too late, and I hit the ground. Painfully. All of the sudden someone whisked me up from my position, and I felt his arms around me, from behind. I tried to struggle, but he wouldn't let me turn around.

A deep, sinking fear filled the pit of my stomach. Was this what it was like to be kidnapped? I struggled against his grasp once more.

"Let me go!" I managed, in a desperate attempt to escape from the fiend. He chuckled, a deep, handsome thing. It was comforting, and despite my fear, I felt myself blush. He didn't seem as old as I had pictured a kidnapper to be.

Looking around, I noted that the sky had reached its darkest point. The moon lit my surroundings. Even if I screamed, no one could hear it. I ceased my struggle.

"So, you've finally given up?" My kidnapper asked. I grinned.

"No." Lifting my foot, I brought it down, stomping on his. Hard. In his moment of weakness, I took advantage, gripping my forearm and stabbing my elbow into his gut.

And then I ran, refusing to ever give him time to recover. I heard him wheezing from behind me and laughed.

"Wait!" He called out a few times, and I snorted in my sprint home. Why would I wait for what could possibly be a killer?


I got home and closed the door shut, locking it behind me. My mom looked at me strangely. It must have been the way I shut the door and locked it.

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