Chapter 27 - A Mother's Daughter

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Author's Note – There is reference to Beauty and the Beast in this Chapter. Please do not think, that sounds like a good sequel or fan-fiction attempt.

It is an idea that I have created as a side project – so right's for the story attempt belongs to me.

Thank you for your co-operation = and on with the story.....

Sabrina's POV

Oliver and I never spoke about the Valentine's Bash. I don't think he even realised anything was wrong. He just asked if I was well enough to join in for practice, if not he could find a sub-chaser on my behalf.

I don't know what it is lately with him. I know he is passionate about Quidditch, and that is one of my favourite things about him. But it's kinda bothering me that he chooses it over me, all the time. It's not like I want his attention 24/7, but for him to turn round to me and say 'Instead of a practice session I thought we could have a picnic' – Seems like I'm asking for a miracle lately. He hasn't even kissed me since he asked me to the Bash! Almost a whole month on – you'd think he'd notice by now.

At least I have been busy enough not to think about it.

Hagrid's had me helping him to train up the three-headed puppy I got back in the summer. It's called Fluffy! – Hagrid's choice, not mine. I say puppy, it's more like the size of a horse. We spent weeks clearing an area for it in the Forbidden Forest for him to have a 'Doggy Bed' near to Hagrid.

It seems that Dumbledore may be looking at other accommodation for him inside the castle though, as Fluffy has apparently been annoying the Centaurs in the Forest with his loud barking.

I have found myself visiting him every night, as a Wolf, just for a bit of company – for the both of us. I know I have the twins – But I don't want to talk to them about my relationship problems. I could talk to Alicia and Angelina about it all, but they might be off with him during Quidditch practice, and if that happens, it would just upset Oliver even more, that we aren't acting like a team.

Ever since I fell asleep on George in the common room, the twins and Lee have been trying to get me more involved in the prank stuff – they want to start working on Medical type stuff. Fred was apparently inspired by all the time he spent in there when I was unconscious after the Quidditch match. They have been ecstatic that I have spent so much time with them. Which promoted a new level of annoying giggles from Alicia and Angelina. McGonagall's detention wasn't as bad as their giggles – I just had to clean out a bunch of mice and rabbit cages.

After joining Blynken for another early Saturday breakfast, I began to make my way to Price's Office. I finally received a letter from her asking to meet up with me again. As I climb the stairs to Defence Against the Dark Arts room, I notice in the corner of my eye that someone is flying on their broomstick in the Quidditch pitch. They seem to be playing chaser – It looks like a girl. It looks like she has used the Enchanted practice hoops. But why is she practicing at the crack of dawn? – Maybe she isn't supposed to be practicing – that would explain it.

"She's pretty good" I find myself saying to no one, before continuing up to Price's office.

As we bid good morning to eachother, after I take my seat next to Professor Price, I notice she is a lot whiter and thinner than when I saw her last, before the Christmas holidays. She looks so pale – It's almost as if she hasn't eaten in weeks.

"Well Sabrina, from what I have seen you have made excellent progress in my absence. I notice you have taken my advice about evening runs very seriously, as I see a number of different white animals making it's way to the Forest every night" She begins.

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