love me

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Heidi loved to read romance and horror  books.
She visited the library very second week.

Heidi always passed the adult section of the library, always wondering curiously. But one day Heidi's curiosity got the best of her.

Heidi entered the adult section of the library that's not permitted to under 18 and Heidi was only 14.She looked around for romance and horror and found a few that looked interesting.  She snuck her books in her bag and ran out of the library afraid that she might get caught if someone saw her.

When Heidi got home she started reading a horror novel. The next day she finished the book and started a roomance novel

When Heidi finished those books she  would sneak into the adult section and get more. But since her second visit, every night Heidi could feel someone next to her, carressing her and whispering : 'I love you my darling, don't open your eyes sweetie' over and over.

Those words were the book titles she was reading

Heidi started having sleepless nights because of her strange dreams that were as if she were reliving her novels and the horror ones were the worst. Heidi ended up with bags under eyes her due to sleepless nights.  She lost concerntration at school.

One night Heidi decided to open her eyes and what she saw was horrific.

A man with no eyes, black curls of hair, wearing formal attire, teeth dripping  with blood Whispering 'I love you my darling' 'now you opened your eyes sweetie'

The socketless men drew out a knife from his pocket .Heidi was to shock to get away. The man stabbed Heidi in the eyes and poked them out. He slit her neck open. There was Blood dripping everywhere Heidi struggled and struggled until her last breath escaped from her mouth. The man smiled maliciously at Heidi and said 'I love you darling' 'that's what you get for opening your eyes sweetie'.
The man took the books and dissapeared to put them back in the the library. Heidi's body was lifeless her eyeballs laying on the side table.

'I love you my darling' 'you shouldn't have stolen my books sweetie' the man resided.
The man smiled and looked at Heidi coming to meet him.

"Thank you my darling, I feel free my sweetie" Heidi said.

"You are welcome my darling, now wait here with me for the next victim who's  stupid enough to steal our books my sweetie"

"I hope he or she isn't the one reading this" Heidi maliciously smiled.

Hey beautiful people. I would really like to know what you guys think.
Leave it on the comment section.

scary stuff Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora