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Ella's pov

Finally school's over for the year. After taking a few muggle cabs I was standing in front of my house. I went into my house to see my parents sitting on the couch with a trunk. My old trunk go be exact. What's going on?

"You're home!" Mom announced shooting up and hugging me right as she saw me.

"What's going on?" I asked out loud when she let go of me to see she looked nervous.

Dad got up and came over putting his hand on my shoulder.

I don't like this, not at all.

"You're going to be living with the Malfoy's for a month." He said adding emphasis on you're and making my jaw drop.

"I'd rather spend the whole summer with the Weasley's than live with Abraxas." Mom fake smiled as Dad got the trunk by the couch.

I cannot possibly be living with the Malfoy's especially not him. If he wasn't there I wouldn't mind it.

"He's not as bad as you think!" Mom tried reasoning, but I fired back at her.

"Mom! We're in the same house! I can't stand him!" I quipped. If you knew what happened, you would hate him as well.

"It'll be alright." I picked up my trunk glaring at my parents as they apparated us to Malfoy Manor. This is going to be the worst summer ever.

"No! I don't want that thing to live with us!" Abraxas sneered from the front door. That would be him, the person I despise, the person I hate with everything in me.

"It's only for a month, Dear." Mrs. Malfoy said calmly while slightly glancing at my mother. My mother and Mrs. Malfoy were best friends growing up and they still are best friends. So are the husbands/dads, but not Abraxas and I. We were when we were little, but that all changed in first year.

"See." I muttered as we went over to the door. I can't wait for this summer to be over.

Abraxas looked at me, pushed him mom in the house more and slammed the door in my face. What a dick. I swung open the door and looked at him in shock as he smirked at me. He really needs to go away, forever!

"Ass!" I swore while trying to smack him but he grabbed my wrist, stepping closer. He tilted his head to the side and watched me as I struggled to get out of his grip, he would not budge and it was getting tighter.

"You're hurting me! Let go!" I announced while trying to pull my wrist back.

He let go and ran upstairs. I turned back to our parents to see them looking sad, well our moms. Mom pulled me to her as I stepped over to them and looked at my wrist. It was red and had Abraxas' handprint on it. This is so going to bruise.

"You shouldn't have tried to hit him." Dad said making Mom's face change from sad to pissed. Dad's always loved Abraxas, I swear if he could he would dump me somewhere, but mom won't let him. She's the reason why I'm still here, Dad never wanted me in the first place.

"Don't tell me he's living with us the other month." I said when Mom looked at Mrs. Malfoy worried. No, no, no, no, no! Two months with Abraxas? I can't even take a few minutes with him, let alone two months!

"You expect me to live with that for two months?" Abraxas asked while coming downstairs. I bet he was eavesdropping, I hate him.

"What part of, we hate each other, don't yous understand?" I asked grabbing my trunks and going upstairs.

As I passed Abraxas on the stairs I thought he was going to do something to me honestly, he didn't. He just let me go upstairs peacefully, as peaceful as it can be at the moment. I went into my room, well the room I always slept in when I would stay over when I was little.

When Abraxas and I were born we we're inseparable until we started school, that's when we started hating each other to no end. I looked around the old room and it was still the same, everything. It was like a little kid stayed in here. The walls were white with girly things on the walls, the bed was small, the dressers were pink with old little kid jewelry. It looked like the room was untouched except it was clean. Not a spec of dust was in sight.

I put my trunks on the bed and sat on the floor. I leaned my head back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling fan, as I heard footsteps near the bedroom.

"Ella." Mom said coming in as I still looked up at the ceiling fan.

"I hate him, Mom." I stated.

"This wasn't my idea. Your father and Mr. Malfoy thought of it." Of course they did. They both despised me, if I was gone they would be happy.

"As long as Abraxas leaves me alone the entire summer I'm good." She nodded and came over and stood in front of me as I looked at her.

"Let me help you unpack." Eventually Mrs. Malfoy came in and helped us unpack my stuff. While we unpacked we talked about changing my room up a tad bit, try and make it less girly and childish.

When we were done I laid on the bed. It was nap time.

"No, you have to help us cook your favorite food." I groaned and went downstairs with them to see Abraxas in the kitchen eating. He's always eating. How does he not gain weight?

"We're making spaghetti?" I asked stopping beside Abraxas realizing that Mom said we're making my favorite food. I loved spaghetti so much, I could eat it everyday all day.

"Yes!" Mom said loudly, smiling. I'm so excited!

"Yes! I love food." I smiled.

"Obviously." Abraxas mumbled, in an instant my hand collided with the side of his face. I hope that hurt. I looked at his face to see my handprint.

Our fathers came in and looked at what happened. Abraxas looked pissed as can be so I ran outside and into the woods a bit. I don't want to go back there, they're going to scream my head off and say it's my fault. Abraxas just needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut. Eventually after waking for a bit I found a dry, secluded area and I laid down on the ground.

This is going to be a very long two months.

the abraxas malfoy trilogy Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ