chapter seven - "We tried, babe"

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Tommy's POV

I was woken up by my ringtone blaring out music, I flipped myself over and smacked my palm against my bedside table. Once I found it I unlocked it to see who was calling, squinting at the brightness. Why was ashley calling me at 7am?

"Hello?" I answered, sounding groggy.

"Tommy! Where the hell are you?" She yelled, I had to pull the phone away from my ear from the loudness.

"How could you seriously forget we were recording today?" She continued.

I sprung up in bed opening my eyes wide. "Shit, that's today?"

"It is! So get your ass down to the studio" she said before hanging up.

I groaned and threw my mobile to the other side of the bed, then rolling into my stomach with my face pressed into the pillow. I grabbed my mobile again and turned my head to look at it. I scrolled through my contacts and dialled Adam.

"Tommy!" He yelled excitedly.

Geez, how can everyone be so wide awake at this time of the morning?

"What the fuck, Adam? Why didn't you wake me up?" I snapped.

"Awh, but you looked so peaceful" He cooed.

"Dude, how are you supposed to record without the main guitarist?"

"I didn't want to wake you" He stated simply.

Is he for real? Can someone please knock some sense into him.

"Alright be serious now, why didn't you?" I asked again.

"I- uh- I gotta go, see you when you get here!" He said overly fast and then hung up.

Well thats one way to make someone suspicious, what was he doing? I know he was lying when he said he didn't want to wake me. Was he meeting with someone? Maybe he has some love affair?

I scoffed at myself and shook my head, brushing away the thought, Adam said he wouldn't cheat and I believe him. At least I think I do.

Adams POV

I was surprised when I woke to find a text from Sauli asking if we could meet up, it's been a while since we broke up and I'm not sure if he knows about Tommy and I. I looked over my shoulder and saw Tommy still in a deep sleep, I decided not to wake him because I didn't want him knowing I was meeting up with Sauli, He wouldn't react nicely to that.

I quietly sneaked out of bed and tip-toed to my dresser grabbing out clothes and a pair if briefs, then opening my bedroom door and going to the down stairs bathroom so Tommy wouldn't hear me.

Once I finished showering and got dressed I applied a light coat of foundation to my face and outlined my eyes in black eyeliner before going to the kitchen and grabbing a apple then leaving the house.

Sauli texted me again to meet him at his apartment.

I drove there in silence, it wasn't a long drive, only a few blocks down from my house.

Parking my car in the driveway I hopped out and jog up the steps to his front door and knocking on it.

The door swung open to reveal a very tired and worn out looking Sauli.

"Adam" He breathed out. "You came"

"Yeah, I did" I smiled and gave a slight nod.

He opened the door wider and I took that as an invitation to step inside. His house was completely different to what I remembering it being. There were old pizza boxes and cans of beer lying all around the place.

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