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I only kept staring at Adrien's text like a idiot and sigh.
Averting my attention back to one of my teachers as she kept speaking on how her boyfriend was going to propose to her tonight.

I smile only and nod when suddenly I got flashbacks on Adrien and I Saturday night...
I groan, "what's the matter? Fine I'll stop taking about it then..."
"No! Ms. Han! Please keep going! Marinette is just...tired."
I glare at Carla and she chuckled.

"No...I am...sorry, keep going...uh, you said he was taking you out to eat for the anniversary, then..."
I find Ms. Han smiling softly and soon the bell rang.
"...Well I'll just tell you guys tomorrow then..."
Carla groaned and soon we left.

Not paying attention to where I was walking, I bump into someone, now waking me up from it, I prepared myself when it was only,
"...oh Luka..! Sorry."
"...Hey...you're alright. I was just thinking about you."

I shrug, "uh...how's it going so far?"
He shrugged back, "ok...nothing serious. I was just heading to my math class. You?"
"I have math too...who though?"
He then pulled his phone out and showed me...and it was my teacher.

"I have them too...come on."
And he followed.
As we entered, I find Alya already seated and I told Luke that if he wanted to, he could sit at our table.
He did and class started.

"...So you juggling two now?"
Alya whispered to me, I roll my eyes, "ew no..."
We both share a chuckle and before we knew it, class was over and Luka was close to me again.
"What's your next class?"
"Spanish, you?"
"Well you better start walking now, that's outside on the the other side..."
We share a chuckle and I find Alya eyeing us.

"...Alright well—"
We all turn to find Adrien.

"Hmm, I think I better go." Alya said to me and I instantly felt small again. But I shake it off and soon find Luke and Adrien speaking.

As they did, I decided to slowly part away and head out...
From Adrien calling me that, I got goosebumps, "hm?"
I turn but not looking in his eyes.
"Hold up...so you've got socials? You better start running. That class is outside...actually on the other side—"
"Yeah I know...anyways I'll catch y'all later. Bye Marinette."
I wave and I departed—

"Hey wait,"
He grabs me by my book bag and I almost trip backwards.
"Ow! W-what..!"
"You know I walk with you, why you leaving?"
I only stay quiet and fix myself until the late bell hit...and that's when it hit me.

Maybe he was too drunk to remember Saturday...

It made me feel a little bit easy until, "you know nobody knows but us...come on."
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and he dragged me to class.

"Are you okay? You're not this quiet..."
Adrien stopped at a red light and I only sigh, "mhm...tired."
"Up all night with homework again?"
I him again and heard him sigh.

"Is this about the kiss—"
"What kiss?"
He eyed me, "what do you mean what kiss...you—"
"I honestly don't remember what happened at your party...I was too drunk—"
"I never once saw you take a beer or took a shot...Mare,"

He then collected my hand and I felt it burning, "I'm sorry if I made you felt uncomfortable..."
I peek a look at him but avert them when he was staring right back at me.
"...Fine, we can forget about it..."
Then the light turned green and soon I was home.

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