Arrow, refusing to look her in the eye, let his gaze fall on his teammates as they collapsed to their knees, hearts hammering and breathing heavily. Neither was able to move their bodies, paralyzed by the all-consuming terror that tore through their very bones. 

Sasuke couldn't stop himself as his body lurched against his will, catching him on his hands and knees as bile spilled from his lips, heaving and coughing, unable to pull himself together; feeling weak and helpless, he couldn't seem to catch his breath as his eyes forced themselves shut in a feeble attempt to slow the rampage of his own thoughts. Mentally, he flicked through every skill, technique, or minuscule piece of knowledge he had ever learned that could get them out of their situation; he desperately searched for anything he could utilize. 

Arrow froze in place, gears turning behind his eyes, unwilling to make any move that could put him or his teammates in any more immediate danger than they were already in; he maintained a cool composure, trying to ignore the thick, restless aura of malicious intent that soaked the woman's presence. 

The thin, braided band he wore around his ankle pulsed, heating against his skin as if begging him to succumb to his own abilities as dread pooled in the pit of his stomach, feeling entirely at a loss for what to do. 

Sasuke's charcoal gaze drifted to Sakura, watching as thick tears dribbled down her flushed cheeks, eyes locked on the ground, wide with terror as her body trembled like a leaf in the wind. She was unable to move or make any sort of sound as the genjutsu scene replayed in her head so vividly that she couldn't discern fantasy from reality.  

"You're paralyzed with fear," Shiore let out a sinister cackle, her eyes sliding over the three teens in a starving expression. A tinge of disappointment flashed in them as she took in the sight, craving more of a challenge.

Arrow bit his tongue, refraining from lunging at her. He knew he would have to get Sasuke and Sakura out of harm's way before he could afford to make such rash decisions. He didn't have much time to think as the Kusa-nin drew three kunai from her holster.

Sasuke forced himself to his feet, ignoring the looming threat of his quivering legs giving out beneath him. It was only through sheer willpower that the Uchiha managed to keep himself upright, surprisingly drained by the effort of even standing.

Arrow knew he couldn't entertain the pondering of where Naruto was, or even if he was still alive. He knew that if he couldn't pull off his plan he would be risking his life for a hopeless cause anyway; releasing a slow breath, he darted his eyes to look at Sasuke, praying to any god at would listen that luck was on his side. 

With a flow of chakra to the soles of his feet, Arrow threw himself at the enemy, brandishing his brother's daggers, determined to save the lives of his teammates. 


Sasuke's jaw fell open as he tried to call out to Arrow, only to find that his voice failed him. Horror saturated his expression as he saw Shiore's eyes shoot to the boy who barrelled at her, a snarl on her lips. 

Her attention was no longer directed at him and Sakura- and despite still struggling to take back the control that was robbed from him of his own body, he forced himself to take one of his own knives and plunge it deep into the center of his thigh.

A groan of agony left his parted lips as pain blossomed at the site of the wound- adrenaline, thankfully, kicked in quickly, numbing his pain as he hooked an arm around Sakura's waist, pulling her as he scrambled into the treeline and away from Arrow and Shiore's battle. 

The heir offered a mental prayer for Arrow's safety and survival as he dragged Sakura's dead weight alongside him into the safety of the trees. He knew it was his responsibility to keep her safe- knowing she was both the least capable and most favoured of their caramel-haired teammate. 

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