Y/n:Why did we need to walk in here?

Sasuke:Just so no one could hear us...

They start to walk back

Sasuke:One more question...

Y/n looks at him

Sasuke:What are you going to do after you kill your father?

Y/n:I'm not sure to be honest...

Sasuke:I want you to come along with me...


Sasuke:Sometime in the future I will leave the village and go to kill the person who killed my clan...you would be a great help...

Y/n:Why do you need to leave the village for that?

Sasuke:So no one knows where I am...

Y/n:And what if this person is stronger than you and you need some help?

Sasuke:Then I have you...

Y/n sighs

Y/n:Look Sasuke you have people that care about you here,I have no problem helping you but leaving the village sounds unnecessary...

Sasuke:Why should I care about these people? What have they done for me?

Y/n:I dont know much about you Sasuke,and you may want to keep it that way,but I know that someone who has their entire clan killed doesnt just end up in a village...

Sasuke looks at the ground

Sasuke:Thank you y/n...

Y/n:Just think about what I said...you've been here most of your life i assume and it would hurt a few people if you left...

Y/n jumps off back to Kakashi's house

He puts his sword down outside the door

He walks in and lays down on his spot on the floor

Y/n:I guess I'll sleep all day...

He closes his eyes

Y/n:I used to sleep all day the day after dad trained me...

He takes a deep breath and drifts off to sleep

Y/n:I feel like a kid again...

Y/n goes to the sleep for most of the day

He wakes up and sees its dark outside

Y/n looks and sees Kakashi sleeping in his bed

Y/n:I'll just go to sleep again...

He tries to fall asleep but cant

Y/n:Yea I'll just go outside...and talk to mom...

He gets up and grabs his sword

He walks into the forest in the dark

When he arrives he stabs his sword into the ground

He kneels in front it

Y/n:Hey mom...I didnt miss a day...

The wind blows...

Y/n:There are a few strong people here that seem nice...I'm trying to find nice people like you asked,but after what happened to you...

He squeezes his fist

Y/n:I dont know who to trust other than my blade..

It is still silent

Y/n:I know you told me not to hold a grudge against father but...he killed you and...I need to kill him

The air gets cold

Y/n:I bet when you see him your gonna slap him or something...

Y/n gives a small laugh

Y/n:Knowing you,you'll probably beat the hell out if him...

Y/n shakes his head

Y/n:You told me to find a girlfriend,and that's one of the things im gonna have to wait till im older to do...

The moonlight beams onto y/n

Y/n:I've been trying to be nice,I really have but...like I said after what happened to you I cant trust anyone...

He sighs

Y/n:There's Naurto,he's really optimistic...he wants to become hokage which is admirable,but he thinks the world is gonna hand him everything...I'm trying to teach him about the world...he's cool I guess...

Y/n thinks

Y/n:Then there's Sakura and Ino...

He smirks

Y/n:I bet as soon as I said their names you started listening...

He starts speaking again

Y/n:They are both really pretty but...they suffer from the same problems,like just worrying about me instead of becoming ninja,I need to get it through to them that they are more important then me...

He thinks again

Y/n:Then there is Sasuke,he isn't really nice to his teammates but it seems like he can tolerate me at least,he wants to kill the person who killed his clan,I offered my help but he wanted to leave the village...

He smiles a bit again

Y/n:I tried to get him to stay,so I guess that's my good deed for...the week?

The wind blows

Y/n:Yea your right,for the month...

Y/n goes to the next person

Y/n:Then there is Kakashi,when I healed him I felt his pain if losing a loved one...I want to help but I'll wait for him to trust me a bit so he can tell me when he is comfortable...

Y/n takes a deep breath

Y/n:And last is the hokage,he offered to teach me other justu using different elements...I know it's crazy to say but he's stronger than me,he is the third person to beat me other than...dad and you...

Y/n gets up

Y/n:I think that's it...after this mission tomorrow I'll find out where dad is and kill him,then I'll become the Omnikage I've been talking about since I was a kid...

He grabs his sword

Y/n:I miss you....so...so much...

A tear runs down his face

Y/n:My life is nothing without you because you were my world...your smile was so beautiful,and you were always so nice to everyone even if they were mean...

He starts to cry

Y/n:Im... I'm sorry I wasnt there to stop father,I'm sorry I'm not being kind like you asked but in trying,I'm sorry I'm not doing a lot of the stuff you said...

He grips his sword tightly


He throws his sword

It cuts through mutiple trees

Y/n:But most importantly...

He smiles

Y/n:I love you mom....

He feels a warm wind embrace him...

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