6/10/2019 4:24 (Why don't I ever sleep)

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A/N this was written only a little while after I had wrote the other but I had not sleep as a little context , and had also watched a bunch of Ash Hardell's videos on about their experience getting top surgery so yeah that was on my mind this whole time onto the next bit

It has only been a couple of hours since my last update but I still have not slept yet which is a problem. Reason why I no sleep because the thought of me being hot makes me want to take all the clothes off of my top half which I cant do because of two things I wish were not there so now I'm feeling as though I am in the wrong body which I'm not cause i still have everything else so now i just feel horrible not being able to think or sleep. Reason 2 i just had an anxiety attack over my gender and than at the same time whether I should come out to my mom which I'm not gonna do, i also want to ask her if i can take testosterone to do the thing to my female hormones so I can feel more comfortable or to at least let me get top surgery but I am afraid that if i try to get top surgery i won't be able to because I have asthma. That's the end of this rant because i'm in need of rest. 4:24 AM 6/10/2019 LOGGING OFF BYE

A/N  a couple hours later of research I  will be able to get top surgery later on in life as long as my asthma continues to be well controled and I don't have too many problems when it comes to asthma so yeah I have only slept for about 30 minutes yeah I'm tired but I can't sleep so I guess I'll  write some more of the other stories that you all have been waiting for. I hope this was ok I know it is a little short so I tired to make it longer with my A/Ns anyways don't forget to vote and share my story with your friends or whoever, and fill up that comment section because I love hearing from you all. that way I know if anyone is interested in my story, until next time my little demons

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