6/10/2019 3:44 AM

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I am a non-binary person who has a few different things wrong with me. I am a big anime fan and I take it to the next level as in cosplaying in public or giving friends anime nicknames for fun. Then there is my self hate, I love being alive don't get me wrong there are so many wonderful people who love and bunches of yummy foods but my problem is that where I live makes it hard for me to be comfortable in my own skin. For example I want to be able to invite my trans friends over who identify as male but can't because mom is worried I will "Do something inappropriate". And to make it even worst I want my mom to call me Victor or use he/him or they/them pronouns but I know she never will consider that because she thinks that being trans or cis or non binary is a choice and that it can be influenced by others in the community but it really is just you realizing who you are and wat you are more comfortable with. For example I may be no binary but sometimes I love to wear cuties stuff like bows and cute pins and hair clips and adorable skirts, but I still don't identify as female or sometimes I want to where jeans and a t and do cool fun stuff like make stuff out of wood use power tools or other stuff that some people consider a manly thing to do. I like them both but some days I wanna do neither I just wanna where a cute crop top with a flannel over it with a cute skirt and pants mix, but once again the people I want to accept me for my family don't do the best job of sending me the love I want/deserve/need. Anyways it is 3:44 am on 6/10/2019 this is Victor signing off till my next entry Sincerely me

a/n this was written during one of my 3 hour anxiety attacks. everything in this had happened at 3:44 but I didn't think I would post this stuff but I am sharing my story so if there are others out there who are going through something similar so they know that they are not alone which for awhile I thought I was. anyways enjoy this (I'm not sure if you can but if you did +1 for us right?) please give it a vote, say something in the comments, and if you fill the urge send it to a friend share it with your family what ever floats you boat. Till next time my little demons!

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