Takumi: Hm? Was that Yuki-nee?

Lisa: Yeah it was. She said she's on her way here, haha, bet she was stuck in traffic. Hey! Speaking of Yukina, didn't you have a huge crush on her back then?

Takumi: *Blush* ....Shudup...

Lisa: Ohohoooo?~ you know...Yukina has gotten much prettier since back when we were kids.

Takumi: She has- ahem...That's nice to hear, she prolly has a boyfriend right?

Lisa: nope.

Takumi: H-Haha, How unfortunate.

Yukina: what is?

Takumi: AHHH! hm?

Lisa: ah! Yukina you're here.

Takumi: Y-Yuki-ne...ahem...Minato-san, You've g-g-grown!

Lisa: oi, is that a pick up line I haven't heard of yet? If so, it sounds pathetic.

Yukina: It's nice to see you again Taku. Also, Minato-san? I prefer you call me Yuki-nee like the good old days.

Takumi: N-No, I couldn't...

Yukina: .........

Takumi: M-Minato-san?

Yukina: .........

Lisa: Ah, she's giving you the good ol' silent treatment. Call her Yuki-nee or she won't ever talk to you again.

Takumi: ...*Blush* ...Y-Yuki-Nee...

Yukina: what is it Taku?

Takumi: seriously....ah! I got you guys a souvenir. Here you go.

I took out a microphone keychain and a bass guitar keychain.

Takumi: I know how much you guys love music so...here.

Lisa: Waaah~ this looks awesome. Wait, Is this real Gold!?

Takumi: sure is. Those cost me an entire month's woth of allowance.

Yukina: Thank you Taku, I'll treasure this forever.

Takumi: *Blush* I-I-It was nothing. HAHAHA!!!!!

Lisa: Thank you Taku, I'll treasure this for as long as I live!♡♡

Takumi: ....'kay.


Takumi: well we better get going. It's getting dark now.

Lisa: ah! Let's have Yakiniku! I'm starving!

Takumi: you've been eating air port food for about 5 hours. How are you still hungry!?

Lisa: I'm a growing woman.

The three of us go to a Yakiniku restaurant.

Lisa: Mmm~! Sho good! But sho hooot!

Yukina: Calm down Lisa, You're gonna have stomach problems if you eat too fast.

Takumi: *sigh* Lisa-nee, after all these years you're still a glutton?

Yukina: You should have seen her in the band's anniversary party. She Cleared 54 plates in one sitting.

Takumi: Jeez...hm...did you say band?

Yukina: Hm? Yeah I did.

Lisa: ah...I..forgot to tell you Taku?

Takumi: tell me what?

Lisa: well...me and Yukina are in a band.

Takumi: eh!? Woah. Since when?

Suddenly Yuki-nee whispers to Lisa-nee...

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