Chapter 4 "You're So Addicted"

Start from the beginning


On the way to town, Shaylynn can finally enjoy the view since she isn't driving.
She takes her phone out and takes a video of the gorgeous scenery.

Driving through town, Halstead sees Starbucks and looks like a puppy seeing a bone for the first time

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Driving through town, Halstead sees Starbucks and looks like a puppy seeing a bone for the first time.
Shaylynn can't help but laugh at him, "You're so addicted!" she says.
Halstead smiles as he pulls in and parks, he grabs her hand, "I'm only addicted to you!" he says bringing her hand up to his mouth and kissing it, "I'll be right back," he says as he opens the door.
Shaylynn shakes her head as the door closes, her phone goes off.
She unlocks it to see it's a text message from Mason.
Opening it, it's a picture of the boys.


After a few minutes, she looks up to see Halstead walking toward the car

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After a few minutes, she looks up to see Halstead walking toward the car. She turns off her phone as he gets in.
"What do you want to do now?" he asks her then takes a drink.
"Let's go home," she tells him.
"Alright," Halstead says as he puts on his seatbelt, "I saw there was a sign for a Walmart. I'll stop there and get some coffee before we head back."
Shaylynn shakes her head 'no', "I mean let's go back to Chicago. I was selfish to just take off and come out here by myself," she tells him.
Halstead looks over at her, "You're not selfish!" he tells her grabbing ahold of her hand, "You have to take care of yourself! If leaving to clear your head is what you needed to do, it's fine! The kids need you! And I most definitely need you!"
Shaylynn smiles at him, "I'll call Earl and tell him that we're heading back home."
She gets on her phone and calls Earl. After she gets done talking to him, she calls to rent a private jet so they can get home quicker.


As soon as they arrive in Chicago, Halstead receives a call.
"We need you back here now!" Hank tells him.
Halstead looks at Shaylynn, "We just landed and waiting on an Uber as I speak," he tells Hank.
"Get here!" Hank says hanging up.
"What was that all about?" Shaylynn asks.
"Hank wants me at the District," Halstead tells her as the Uber pulls up.
"Okay, you take this Uber and I'll get another one," Shaylynn tells him.
"Are you sure?" he questions.
"Yeah, Hank wants you at the District there must be something going on," she tells him.
"Alright," Halstead says as he opens the door, "Where are you going?"
"To Med to see the boys and get my car," Shaylynn tells him.
He puts his hand behind her head and kisses her, "I love you," he tells her.
"I love you too," she says.
Halstead gets in the Uber and closes the door.
Shaylynn watches as the Uber drives off.


Thirty minutes later, Shaylynn's walking down the hallway toward NICU when she runs into Dr. Charles.
"Hey Shaylynn, are you okay?" he asks her.
She gives him a look, "Jay told me
that you told him that you think I have Postpartum Depression. Since you're a man imagine you're a woman who just had twins sixteen weeks early. And all that goes through your head is why did your body let you down, let them down, let your husband down that you couldn't carry his twin sons to full term! Then seeing what I did with Hailey having her hands on my husband! So now, imagine how you would feel if you had all that going on! If you don't mind, stop talking about me behind my back to my husband!"
Shaylynn continues to walk down the hallway leaving Dr. Charles standing speechless.
Walking into the NICU, Shaylynn sees Mason and smiles.
She walks over to where he's standing, "Why are you here?" she asks him.
"Checking in on them. You did name one after me," he says smiling at her.
"Only Landon's middle name," she reminds him.
"Well, it's still part of his name," Mason says, "I better get back to work. It's great to have you back!" he says kissing her on the cheek.
He walks around her and out of the NICU, Shaylynn watching him the whole time.
"Mrs. Halstead," a nurse says breaking Shaylynn's gaze.
"Yes," Shaylynn says looking at the nurse.
"We would like to start Logan and Landon on skin to skin contact," the nurse tells her.
"Alright, where do you want me to go?" Shaylynn asks.
"I'll put you toward the back since you don't have a button up shirt on. That way you can have more privacy," the nurse says.
Shaylynn nods and starts walking to the back of the NICU with the nurse following her, "You can go ahead and take your shirt off," the nurse tells her.
Shaylynn takes off her shirt as the nurse gets a blanket and brings it back to Shaylynn, "Logan just fell to sleep so it will just be Landon for right now," the nurse says, "He'll be brought over in a few minutes."
The nurse walks away with Shaylynn standing there half naked.
She sits down in the chair and waits for a nurse to bring Landon over.
Five minutes later, Shaylynn sees a man pushing Landon's incubator back to her, "Shaylynn Halstead?" he asks her.
"Yes," she says to him.
He smiles at her as he opens the door on the incubator, Shaylynn looks at what he's wearing.

"You don't have to wear scrubs?" she asks him

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"You don't have to wear scrubs?" she asks him.
He starts walking over to her with Landon, "No," he tells her as he lays Landon down on her chest, "I don't like the feel of them and haven't been able to find any that fit me right," he says as he fixes Landon's wires and tubes.
As he's fixing them, he grazes Shaylynn's right breast, "Sorry," he says looking down at her with a little smile on his face, "I'm Hunter," he tells her.
"Nice to meet you," Shaylynn says, "Did you just start here?"
"Yeah, I started yesterday. I transferred here from Springfield," he tells her catching her staring.
Shaylynn smiles, "I'm sure you've been told you could be a model," she tells him.
"Yes, I've heard it and at one time I was. That's how I put myself through school. I was going to be a doctor but had to switch when my Mom came down sick and needed special care," he tells her.
Shaylynn can't believe what she's hearing, "I'll leave you alone so you can enjoy your time with him," Hunter says.
He turns and walks away with Shaylynn watching him the whole time.
After thirty minutes with Landon and thirty minutes with Logan, it's time for Shaylynn to leave.
Making her way out of Med to the parking lot she looks around for her Charger but it's nowhere to be found.
While standing there, Carl the head of hospital security walks up to her, "Hey, Shaylynn! Is there something I can help you with?" he asks her.
"I'm looking for my car but I can't find it," she tells him.
"What type of car?" Carl asks.
"A black Charger," she tells him.
Carl gets a look on his face, "What is it Carl?" she asks.
"It was towed," Carl tells her.
"Towed?! What for?!" Shaylynn questions.
"It was sitting here for two days," Carl tells her.
"Unbelievable!" Shaylynn says as someone walks by them.
"Guess it's another Uber," she says.
"Sorry," Carl tells her and walks away.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "I can take you home if you like," she hears.
She looks around and sees Hunter standing beside a black Mustang.
Walking over, she walks up to him, "I don't know," she says.
He smiles at her, "It's okay for me to take care of your boys but not to take you home," he says to her, "I'm not going to kidnap you," he tells her then starts laughing.
"My house is pretty far out of your way," Shaylynn tells him.
"I don't mind. I wouldn't feel right leaving you here waiting on an Uber," he says.
"Alright then," Shaylynn says walking over to passenger side with Hunter behind her.
He reaches around and opens the door for her, "Thank you!" Shaylynn says as she gets in.
Hunter closes the door and walks around to the driver's side and gets in.
After pulling out of the parking lot he heads in the direction Shaylynn tells him.

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