How can they be evil?

Mulai dari awal

Bleh! I hoped he washed his damn paws.

He released my hand. After Splinter left the room, Leo took my hand. At first I blushed and was about to bitch slap him but he pulled me into a room bigger then the lab. The room we were in was huge. The living room I guess...

Looking around I saw what I assume is Leo's other two brothers. They looked at me and were hesitant to come towards me.

Mikey came up to me with an ear to ear grin "Was-sup Dude! Welcome to the amazing lair of-"

"Can it Mikey!" Raph yelled from the room with the green walls "Trying to train here!"

"You mean punch a bag?" Mikey asked.

"Mikey.... Do you wanna be the punching dummy?" Raph asked.

Mikey was silent. Mikey slid behind Donnie who rolled his eyes. Donnie held his hand out and I was a little hesitant but shook it anyways.

"Hello, sorry if Raph and Mikey weirded you out, may I ask what your name is?" Donnie asked.

"Becka." I answered.

Donnie let go of my hand then spoke "Last name?"

I shook my head "I don't like it because of my parents." I said hoping they'd buy it. My last name, Frost, is a well known last name in my clan but I'm not sure if they would recognize it, so I decided to just keep it to myself....for now.

Mikey smiled while coming up to me "How about we have some pizza!" Mikey suggested.

"Pizza, what on god's earth is that?" I asked. Everyone's eyes were wide, even Splinter's "What?" I asked.

"Are you flipping kidding me right now dudette?" Mikey said like I had just stabbed his cat.

"What? I don't eat junk food." I said.

Mikey grabbed my wrist and instincts almost took over for me to counteract Mikey's grip on me.

He dragged me to the kitchen and made me sit in front of boxes of cardboard. He opened it up and it was this round steamy cheese weird food.

"Gross." I said under my breath.

He picked up a slice and held it to my mouth "Try it."

"No, thank you." I pushed his hand away from me.

I may have some doubts with this clan being all evil and stuff but I'm NOT gonna eat this so called pizza. I already have enough on my hands.

"Dude you have to try it." he tried holding it up to my mouth again.

"Mikey, I appreciate the offer but I'm not hungry, thank you." I said pushing his hand away one last time.

"Okay but it's your loss." he stuffed his mouth with pizza.

Ewww.....I'm officially grossed out as I slowly backed out of the kitchen.

As I was backing away, I bumped into something or someone.

I jump and quickly turn on my heels to see none of them Raphael standing their, staring daggers at me.

"Hey.....Raph? Right?" I acted like I didn't know his name just yet.

"I don't know who you are but I have my eye on you, got that?" he growled at me.

"Look Raph, thanks for saving me and all but I have no idea what your problem is." I said.

"Just stay away from my brothers." that being said he slowly walked away from me.

"What's up your ass?" I mumbled under my breath.

I look at the time on my clock and it was 2:45 p.m.

Shit! I'm supposed to meet Shredder in an hour. Damn, how am I going to get away from these turtles though?

I was thinking of a plan until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turn to see Leo standing there. "Hey, so Master Splinter wanted me to take you back up to the surface, since you know. You've been down here for a while now."

"Yeah, I'd like that, thanks Leo."

Well this is easier then I thought.

"Cool.....well uhh.......just follow me and I'll show you where you can get back to the surface." he said nervously.

"Okay." I said simply.


"So I just follow this exact path and it will lead me to the lair?" I asked looking down at Leo from the surface.

I had the manhole open so I could speak to him, he said he couldn't come out during daylight cause their master didn't want them to.

"Yupp, it will lead you straight to us." Leo said with a smile on his face.

"Okay well hopefully I can swing by later on today and if not tomorrow for sure."

"Okay, well.....see you later." Leo waved good bye and I put the cover on top of the manhole.

I sighed and began making my way to Shredder's lair.


I walk through the double doors, only to see Shredder sitting on his throne.

"You're late." Shredder said.

"I apologize, lost track of time." I said.

"What news do you bring me?"

"I'm not bringing you any news cause I think your theories about these turtles are wrong. They have done nothing but cared for me ever since I was "ambushed" by the Purple Dragons."

Shredder stood from his throne "You dare question my judgement child!"

"And you dare question mine!" I raised my voice at him.

I see Shredder curl his hands into fists as he narrowed his eyes at me with his ice cold stare.

"They killed my wife just a few months after my daughter was born. They burnt out home to ground, leaving us to suffer." he said.

I show no emotion as he said that but inside I was deeply surprised.

"So this is revenge that you want?" I asked.

"Indeed." he said as he sat back down on his throne.

"Will you help me avenge my beloved wife and restore honor to my clan?" he asked ever so calmly.

"Fine." I said without hesitation.

"Oh and one more thing, meet me tomorrow night,on the rooftop, at the corner of 25th street and 27 place and bring some of your army with you." I said as I turned as was making my way to the double doors.

"Why?" Shredder asked behind me

"You'll see."


Yo! What's up everyone!
turbomonkey101 here and I would like to thank everyone who has voted and commented on this book so far! So thank you!

Hopefully me and JessicaLeeWard can post again soon so until then please.....

Comment, Vote and Share!

Peace and Love bye :)

Hired to kill the turtles(under editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang