Chapter 5-

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Shivez pov

I was left, in the shower, alone and hard thinking about Diana's tempting body. She was my queen and i just want to please her. I was determined to please her.

I stepped out of the shower clean and dried off. I pulled out sone underwear and basketball shorts fron the drawer i have at Dianas house. As i was picking up the shorts i felt something hard and almost.... rubbery.

I picked it up and gasped. A vibrator!?!

"What the hell?" I flipped it on and it was powerful.

"Diana crazy bruh." I put the forbidden object back in the drawer and shut it.

I walked back to the living room and saw the little horny bastard sprawled out on her couch, knocked out.

"No nookie tonight i guess" i whispered to myself in an annoyed tone.

I picked her up and brought her to the bed. I snatched the covers back and put her under them. Soon i hopped in and we were cuddled up falling asleep.

Dianas pov

I was awakened by the annoying buzz of my alarm clock. I look to my left and see Shivez knocked out, obviously not phased by the buzz of my alarm. He was a heavy ass sleeper.

I gently shook him "Vezzzzzzzzz, get up baby"

He groaned and turned over, ignoring me. Now irritated and fully awoke i grabbed a pillow and smacked shivez with it, repeatedly.

"DIANA, QUIT IT NOW!!" he roared causing a slight tingle of fear to rise up my spine.

I stopped and plopped down on my butt in the bed with a heavy sigh. I guess he would get up eventually.

I got up and headed for the shower. Turning on the water and blasting my music, i stepped in.

See I'm all up in my feelings, doubled up on that shot.

Got me feeling some type of way, told u i hate i don't mean it and the only thing that i got is the pain that u been feeling.

Faded faded faded all because of you

And my current situation told me not to think of u not to break the rules but it always happens when i get this way no i just can't stop myself

So baby tonight I'm blowing up your line

I got u on my mind and the truth is hard to fight so i'll beeeee

I sung along with chris brown and jhene aiko while i got all soaped up.

3 Songs later i got out and dried off, wrapping myself in my towel.

Walking out of the bathroom i looked at the bed and saw Shivez's tall, heavily built, muscular figure still asleep. I shook my head wondering if he was ever going to get up.

I put on soft music and started looking for something to wear to work. I decided on changing it up wearing black boots, skinny jeans, a white blouse and a black blazer.

"Shivez, i really think its time to get up now" i lightly shook him and he didn't respond. I didn't think i had to do this but apparently i was wrong.

I put my hand down his shorts and started to gently stroke his awakened member. He groaned flipping on to his back, giving me more space.

"Shivezzzzzz wake uppppp" i whispered.

His eyes finally fluttered opened and he immediately grabbed my waist and sat me down on his lap.

"What a wake up call babe." He winked "but what about my little man..... now he's gunna be thinking about u all day."

I tried getting up "nigga so. I just needed u up so u could get the hell out" i folded my arms like a stubborn brat.

"Really Diana? Are we REALLY still doing the 'kick vez out after sex' act!?" He protested.

"YES SHIVEZ, WE ARE!" I got up off him and we stood face to chest, i was still short.

"I'm sooooo tired of this bullshit! I just want to spend ONE FULL day with you but i can't because you put your important job before me!!!" He pointed in my face.

"SHIVEZ SHUT UPPPPP!!! QUIT WHINING! I SWEAR YOU ACT LIKE SUCH A PUSSY!! Were not even together!" I pushed him with all my force making him stumble "GET OUT!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" I hit his chest and broke down, falling together. "I just want to be happy.... but its not working. Everytime i try i get hurt. Shivez.... I'm sorry"

He stood towering over me, silent with a look of sympathy.

I got up and wiped my tears. "I have to work today... i promise tomorrow, I'm all yours. Now hurry and get ready so i can take u to grannys to get your car"

Shivez nodded and took a shower while i warmed up the car. I sat in the drivers seat smoking a blunt.

Shivez walked out and locked up my house. He got in the car.


"Hm?" I asked looking at him

"Why do you have a vibrator?"

"Uh.... why were you going through my things???"

"It was in the drawer with MY things, now answer me. Why?"

"Because.... it feelings nice" i blushed red.

"Um.... I'm sure i can make you feel better baby girl" he winked at me and i instantly felt my body heat up.

My phone rangs knocking me out if my thoughts. I picked it up without checking the Caller ID

Shivez's pov

Diana picked up her phone.



"Um no. Its a perfect time. Why what's up?"


"We can go over that once i get there. U know how i feel about talking business through the phone, u never know whose listening" she said shooting me a glance.


"....shit! Damnit. Alright I'm going to get it after i drop off Shivez."


"Yes! I don't even wanna hear that crap." She lowers her voice and turns her back to me. "Watch your tone Gen, I'm still your superior and i will be treated as such"


"Alright. Tell Ricko to call me asap." and with that she hung up. Taking the car out of park and backing out of the driveway she looks at me and cracks an innocent smile

"To grannys right?" She says.


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