Arena Pt. 1

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When Park Jimin was born, the first thing he fully remembered was seeing the faces of both of his parents, and how happy they looked. He was their first child, and they were both overwhelmingly happy to have a child of their own.

His parents worked in Child Care and Development, which dealt with young children who were sick, didn't have parents or families, or kids that had special needs. Most common people ended up working there, as it was one of the few jobs available for simple people like them. Nobody complained about it though, because the All Order made every job enjoyable. Most people who ended up working in Child Care grew restless, and desired to have children of their own. This was the case for Jimin's parents, and his arrival was the beginning of a new start for their family.

The Parks lived in the Square, which was a smal collection of homes around the middle of the town. Most people that lived there were respected in the city or by the government in some way. Once Jimin was born, their jobs at the Nursing Center were put on hold until Jimin could be Fated.

Being Fated was the most important thing that could happen to a child in this world. It meant that, once you were 2 years old, your hair color would change from the bland brown everybody was born with, to whatever color fate had in store. Depending on what color took place on your head, your place in the world varied greatly. Rarer colors were treated with specialty, and sometimes one could be considered royalty if it was a superior color. Sometimes people remained with the brown hair they were born with, and those people were Commoners. There were many, many different positions in the City to fill.

Those that had superior colors would be educated properly by the All Order, and were given special treatment and privileges. They usually ended up working somewhere in the All Order, or in one of the many Industries.

For children to be Fated meant that, in the case of those with different hair colors than brown, they would be ripped from their parents. So the Parks desperately wished that Fate had it in store for their beautiful baby boy to have brown hair.

When Jimin was 1, his mother gave birth to a second child. This child was another ray of light, joy, and hope for the family.

When Jimin was 2, he was taken from the family. He vaguely remembered the horror on his parents' face as his hair began to change hue. When the color settled, the bright orange shade made the hair on the back of his mother's neck stand up. The very next day, Jimin was taken, and they never saw each other again.

Jimin wasn't old enough to completely comprehend what was going on around him as he was being tested on. Various tests designed specifically for a child of 2 years of age were presented to him, and after 2 weeks of all of the testing, and a designated "Order Mother" to stay with, Jimin was taken into a sort of orphanage type building, where the other children were kept.

Jimin doesn't have too many memories of the time he spent in that place, but he lived there until he was 10.

Jimin remembered meeting all kinds of children, with all kind of wild hair colors. He remembered seeing a girl with bright green hair, and she was super friendly, and they played together sometimes. The rules were strict in the home, but it wasn't like it was anything unexpected.

Life was very repetitive, and so childhood was a concept of the past.

Once Jimin was 10, he and a few other children were moved to another home, and they were given their own rooms. They were enrolled into classes that were mandatory, like Math, Language, English, and Athletics. These were the four basic classes everyone had to take, and Jimin remembered everything that he learned, because it was drilled into his brain and his memory. For five years, these classes were the same, except they got more advanced every year he got older.

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