Chapter 17: A Rock and A Hard Place

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I blinked at the sound of the window. The warmth I had previously felt disappeared and was replaced with a cold chill.

My arm clasped around a lithe wrist. 

"I have to go. Someone's coming. " I perked up as I heard the door handle jingle. I pulled Miri underneath the the comforter.

"You should tell Miri to come over for breakfast." Sal opened the door with one quick swing.

I groaned, feigning annoyance. Miri laid half underneath me calmly. I tried not to apply much pressure but I couldn't help the subtle rush I got from being near her.

I quickly tried to send my brother off as Miri traced a shape on my skin. The spot she touched hummed and I felt a part of me rouse up.  I shifted away from her, threatening Sal to not mention her.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Miri-" That's all it took for me to fling a pillow at him. Sal shut the door, laughing before continuing down the stairs.

"Go back to sleep. It's still early." I rolled on my side and snuggled into the side of the bed that was opposite of Miri. The bed creaked as she shifted next me. She didn't move, just say calmly next to me.

I let out a sigh as I slowly shifted to look at her. As annoying as it was to admit, she looked mischievously cute. She sat as Percy would call it: criss cross applesauce with spoons in the bowl. My shirt was too big for her and exposed a lot of her neckline. I could see a big bruise that trailed from her forehead down to the depths of the shirt.

"Are you coming to breakfast?" I propped my head up in my palm.

In almost an instant, her demeanor changed. "I can't." Miri stood up and began to gather her things.

"Why not?" I frowned unconsciously.

"I just... I can't." She didn't finish her sentence but she pointed to her face. "I don't want anyone to see me like this. Your reaction last night said enough." Her eyes stayed locked on mine.

The bruises looked lighter in the daylight. Her clothes were a little damp and I covered my eyes as she began to change in a corner of the room. I opened my eyes after hearing the sloshing of her shoes.

"I didn't mean- "

"It's fine. I know I'm still hot shit." She cut me off with a fake smile.

"You can come over anytime." My hands grabbed the windowsill next to her.

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