Iida: What you did to my brother is despicable. The damage you had caused to his spine crippled him!

Mikoto can hear him cry out, his voice dripping with venom and boiling hatred.

Iida couldn't forgive the man, no matter the situation, he was more than aware of his twisted morals despite his seemingly genuine ideals towards Heroism.

Stain: Perhaps I gave him an opportunity to rethink of his values as a hero in this society.

Mikoto: (He said that so plainly as if the topic of Iida's brother's injury was something that he could really care less about...What a cruel man...)

Iida:... He'll never get to be a hero again... All because he doesn't fit your warped and twisted image of what a hero should be?!

Stain: Silence. People like you disgust me.

Stain pulls out his blade which was coated in Iida's blood.

Mikoto: (Oh God...I have to do something...Iida is about to be killed!)

As if a miracle happens, Deku was now standing above him in a fist stance with green lighting sprouting through him.

Mikoto: (IZUKU?!!!)

Iida: Midoriya-kun! What are you doing here?!

Deku: Rescuing you! Do you know what his quirk is?

Mikoto had noticed there was another figure on the ground gravely injured as well but still alive....

Mikoto: (Manual is there too! Oh God...Shouto... Geysis-Sensei...Please get here soon...)

Iida: H-He got some paralyzing quirk, I think? I saw him use it on me before after getting to Manual-san! The only other thing in common was that he cut us both and licked the blood...

Licked the blood?

Mikoto frowned, that doesn't sound good. Is this what Stain use to get closer to his victims.

Mikoto: (It must be how his quirk works...)

Stain: Another brat had comes to play. Nice blow, though it won't do you any good. Didn't think I would get three tonight. Dumb, greedy children pretending to be heroes.

Then he looks at Izuku.

Stain: Tell me boy...Why do you want to become a hero. What's your purpose?

Mikoto: (From his words, Is he wishing for the better type of hero?)

Deku thought for a moment for the right words before talking.

Deku: I want to save people. You saw through my declaration right? At the Sports Festival. All Might had told me once, butting one's nose into other people's business is one of the principles of being a hero!

The Killer was lost in thoughts before smirking menacingly.

Stain: You are right...But none of you can be like All-Might....Only he can kill me...

He lunged for Izuku with killer intent...

Before the boy could even move.

An miracle happened.

A snow wall appears guarding Izuku from the blade!

Iida: S-Snow?!

Deku: Is that...?

Mikoto had made his appearance before them as Stain jumped back dodging every waves of snow hitting the ground before snarling....

Stain: Another greedy child? What do you want?!

Mikoto: (I can't believe I'm gonna face off aganist a villain. I'm sorry Geysis-Sensei...I know you told me not to interfere but...not while Manual, my best friend, and his classmates' lives on the line!)...So you're the Hero Killer.

Stain: Yes...That be me~! Child of the Yuki-Onna.

Mikoto: (H-How does know who I am-?!...Oh right...the Festival...)

Stain: Unlike your mother, you're just another future fake.

Mikoto flinched at that.

Stain: I heard so many things about you. What a pitiful child...You strive to get out of your Mother's shadow. But you refuse to see the true ideals of a hero. You grew up in jealousy and mock the potential of an actual hero. You don't deserve it. Unless you want to have a painful death. LEAVE.


Deku: M-Miichan?

Stain: Didn't you hear me child? I said leave. Don't make me say it a third time.

Mikoto:....and I said NO.

The blade was raised...Iida gasped before screaming.


Mikoto gritted his teeth before shouting.

Mikoto: I should say the same to you, Asshole!


Mikoto then looked back at Stain. He'll deal with Tenya later.

Mikoto: What you're doing is wrong.


Mikoto: I agree with you...that there are some heroes...who don't deserve to be heroes at all.

Stain grinned but Mikoto continued.

Mikoto: The main problem with your ideal for a hero, I think it's this. It's the expectation that all heroes should be selfless. So the thing is...You want people to be like All Might or Izuku and run into danger no matter what to help others simply to help others. Now, that's an amazing trait to have. It is also insane and brave but also stupid. That type of attitude have gotten both of them nearly killed multiple times, but that's a different rate entirely....


Deku: (Miichan...)

Iida: (Yukimura-kun...)

Mikoto: Point is, most people aren't like that. Most people would want some kind of reward for risking their life, be it money or the praise of the general public. Is this really selfish? Yeah, a bit, but it's also reasonable because heroes in this world are basically fancy cops. And what do real cops get for being cops? Probably nothing but get paid! But what about saving children. Some of these heroes have kids! If you kill their parents, you're just causing more pain for everybody! In reality, your just making things worse than it already is! None of those heroes deserve to DIE!


Deku: (I never seen Miichan looked so angry before...)

Iida: (This isn't good...They need to leave...)

Stain: I guess I was wrong about you, boy. You're not as greedy or naive as those other children are. You would've became a great hero...

The blade was raised once again.

The killer intent had risen.

Mikoto's eyes went wide.

Iida: (Oh-no....)

"If you hadn't cross paths with me."

Stain charged.

Deku: MIICHAN!!!!!!

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now