Mikoto: Found him yet?

Shouto: No...Not even the Hero Killer...

Mikoto: Remember. We cannot engage in combat with the man...He's extremely dangerous... Geysis-Sensei's orders.

Shouto: I know Yukimura.

A vein popped on Mikoto's head.

Mikoto: I told you to call me Mikoto, Zuko!

Shouto: I call you Mikoto when you stop calling me Zuko....Snowflake.

Mikoto had the sudden urge to strangle his cousin. But stopped in his tracks when he noticed something off in the distance of the alleyway nearby...

There was a flash of sliver. Mikoto then remembered only one person in Izuku's classmates would wear silver armor.

Mikoto: Is that Iida-kun?!

Shouto: Mikoto...What's wrong? You went quiet of a sudden.

Mikoto: Shouto! I need backup! I think I found them!

Shouto: I'm on my way...I'll listen to the sounds of your voice.

Mikoto: Roger! (Even though no one says that anymore.)

Mikoto sneakily creepy down the alleyway and there they're were.

Iida Tenya was one the ground brutally injured with blood coming out.

The second figure was the man that will strike fear into Mikoto's heart when he got an good grimace of his bloodlust.

The second figure was an intimidating, muscular man who posture was in a distinct hunch, and has a flat, somewhat triangular face with no nose; he removed it himself, and a very long tongue, tainted with numerous small bumps. He had long black hair which he wears in a messy fashion; with a raggedy cloth for an headband/mask, and small blood red eyes with tiny irises.

Mikoto: (That's him...the Hero Killer Stain!)

Iida: (Why am I on the floor? Why can't I act? I can't even lift a finger against him. Is my resolve, my anger... not enough? Am I... not strong enough?)

Stain: You and you're brother are just fakes.

Iida: SHUT UP! HOW DARE YOU TAKE EVERYTHING MY BROTHER HAS WORKED HARD FOR?! WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!! How... How can you call yourself someone who wishes to better society... when you resort to such crude and violent methods to enact your terror!

Iida had protested with a snarl, but the bloodstained man only hummed in thought with an equally hateful gaze.

Stain: People with power don't listen to those who don't act, little boy... in a society that is slowly crumbling, the population can't say anything against the hero regulation system, because All Might is the only person that is capable of holding our society together... people who call themselves heroes can only follow his lead without any initiative to actually help. Both this sham-filled society... and the criminals who wield their power in the name of petty mischief... are targets of my purge... All for the sake of a better society...


Iida:......Is that it?... Is that the only reason that you have to take the lives of others... to spread a message?!

Stain: sn't that what acts of terrorism are about? We resort to such methods because the heroes have no choice but to look in our direction if we were to take something from them." Iida's jaw hurt and throbbed painfully, his teeth grated as he kept in his screams of frustration and sadness. All he could do was breathe... breathe with the hatred he held within him fogging his breath as the light of hope within his eyes burned out, only resentment and the thirst for vengeance remaining.

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now