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~ Madeleine ~

The rushed feeling of running is AMAZING! I can feel the blowing of the wind while I'm running. I didn't realize that Edward had stopped.

"Do you plan on staying in the North American border?" he called after me. I skidded to a stop and turned around, Edward raised one of his perfect eyebrows looking quite amused. If I could still blush I'm pretty sure that I'd be tomato red right now.

I ran back to Edward. Um where's the water? I asked I was really super thirsty he looked at me like I was dumb

We don't need water he told me, What we don't need water but I'm really really thirsty I don't understand . I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion

He rolled his eyes in frustration ,We drink animal blood he told me very rudely. What?,blood?,animal blood? No there's no way I will kill animals I love animals or at least I think I do?

He turned me around so my back was pressed against his chest I felt his cold breath on my neck it sent shivers down my spine. Close your eyes I did as he said, Tell me what you here he whispers very quietly

I heard 3 heart beats they smell like deer I think? I opened my mouth to speak - "Four actually, there's one behind a bush." he
corrected me - How?

I'll explain later now "Follow me" he started to run and I followed him

We stalked toward the herd quietly. I felt so bad because there was a doe with her little fawn. The little fawn is SO cute! I can't believe that Edward and I are about to ruin this cute little family. I was still thinking when suddenly Edward pounced on the doe. The other two stags fled and the only one left is the fawn.

Edward finished draining the doe and he turned to me "Here you can have the fawn, it's easier. You should get used to hunting first until we start hunting bigger prey." he gestured to the fawn.

The fawn stared at me in horror, frozen to her -I'm assuming- spot traumatized, watching her mother get drained of blood in front of her. I stared back feeling sorry for the little fawn, and from my peripheral vision, I saw that Edward was watching me expectantly, waiting for me to pounce on the fawn. But there is NO WAY I'll kill a fawn!!!. it's just a baby

Edward grabbed my hand I looked at him I thought he was going to be mad at me.

"Come on we'll find other animals..." he said softly and we ran.

By the end of our hunting trip, I hunted two mountain lions and one elk. By the time we got home -Dr.Cullen's house- everyone was already waiting for us by the living room.

"Oh, we were so worried. That took longer than I expected." Esme said concern showing on her face, "What happened was there any trouble?" she said as she ushered us in the house.

"No Mom, no trouble at all. We just got behind schedule, that's all" Edward explained.

Oh no look at your close and hair Alice said you're covered in mud and blood she pulled me up the stairs and in to a room and threw some clothes at me and pushed me in to the bathroom -

I set the close on the bathroom counter & I took off my close and walked over to the huge shower & turn the shower on & got in and close the shower door and wash my hair and body after I was all clean I got out and put the bra and panties on.

I looked up in to the mirror and in to blood red eyes my blood red eyes. I did the only thing I could do when faced with such a sight. I screamed and scrambled away to the door and opening and broke the door and running outside with my vampire speed

What happened everyone? was outside in a flash

Madeline!! Calm down it's ok Edward was coming near me he cradled me in his lap.


After I calm down it took 2 hours I think and after putting on some clothes they explain everything to me. Like how I was a vampire now not a ghost or an angel and we only hunt animals and that my eyes will change in a few months and about the volturi and how about some vampire's have special abilities and how they all are mates. Does that mean am I Edwards mate?

No!! He said coldly my mood drop I got sad , Oh how did he know what I was thinking well

Edward - The ability to read anybody's current thoughts within a few miles of them.

Alice- The ability to see into the future based on the decisions people have made. Her visions can change depending on the decisions of others that are relevant to the situation.

Jasper - The ability to altar the emotions of others around him.

Oh cool I wonder if I will have one of those abilitie thingys I thought

Madeline What do you remember?Carlisle asked me - I thought about it and it was fuzzy

I don't know I answered him

That's ok it will come back to you at some point or maybe not at all I nodded

Can I ask you a question?

Yes da , I mean Carlisle replied

How what happened I mean why I'm I a vampire? I ask I was so curious

I noticed he stiffened as did Edward and jasper was the same way I gave them a look as I waited

Well we found you in the forest bleeding out and you were dieing
Carlisle said , How did I get like that?

You were attacked by a bear Edward told me , I don't remember that or anything for that matter hmmm?

Oh I said with a nod - I herd the news it was on the tv - It had a picture of a girl on it she had long strawberry blonde hair with green eyes - and the news lady said - Madeline Evonne has been missing for 4 weeks now If you have any information on her please call the police

I looked at all of the girl information that was on the screen

Name- Madeline Claire Evonne

Age- 16

Hight 5feet0

That's you ... I heard Edward say I was so confused

Alice ask "We're leaving so soon?

Yes it will be better to get a fresh start Carlisle said


5 hours later we were at a place called forks it was a little town it was aways cloudy that was good for us we can't go out in the sunshine.

I was in my new room in the new big house my room was all set up , I had a big bed a light pink comforter.

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