chapter 10(special):vows

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Hotch's POV:
"SSA Doctor Reid, was one of my greatest agents. His body is coming from the hospital for transport. Though we only have the body, it would never have his personality. He was a funny, light headed, genius. I really thought of him as my second son. But now he can see one of his lovers. Reid if you hear me, say hi to Haley for me please."

Morgan's POV:
"Pretty boy or Reid, was my best friend. The little brother I never had. Even though*sniffle*i teased him, he always finds a way to impress me. He would always find a special place in my heart, to live and thrive in. Spencer, if you can hear me, say hi toy dad please. "

Rossi's POV:
"I may have been the only one who didn't know him that well but he was still a nice kid. I thank all the test he would go off like that it was distracting me from the case, heh, that's what I wanted. He saw the brightness in everything. Spencer, if you can hear me, say hello to my fellow friends. "

Emily's POV:
"Reid was a gentle man. I'm very surprised women didn't baby and jump him at one point. Heck, I'm surprised no one even asked him out. When *sniffle*Reid was struggling, we tried to help him, most. They almost took his life, and all the times after that, I thought well actually lose him. Now, here we are. Reid, if you can hear me, say hi to my buddies and family. "

jj 's POV:
It was my turn to say my vows. I wish Garcia was here but she is just as heart broken as me. "Um Spence was my #1 best friend. I loved him to death. But I was*cry*to scared to say anything." I start bawling and crying. After I stopped, I continue, "after many horrible things, I didn't have the courage to say it but, I loved him. And I'm the reason he felt empty. " Sniffle*. Spence, if you can hear me, I'm so sorry, please say hi to the baby I lost in Afghanistan. Please.... The the doctor came with news....

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