Chapter Thirteen

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Happy walked into the house and stood by the door, watching Josie as she walked around her kitchen, fixing what looked like a huge salad. Without even looking at her face, he could see that she was upset. It was in her posture and the way she slammed the refrigerator door or shook her head as she muttered to herself. 

He walked over and wrapped his arms around her from behind, feeling her sag against him. He kissed her on the neck and squeezed her close before letting her turn in his arms. He felt his gut clench at the tears on her face and the defeated look in her eyes, and he swore that someone was going to pay for making her look like that. He leaned down and kissed her before she laid her head on his chest. He felt her sigh as she shook her head. 

"I don't know what to do, Happy. It's all gone. The barns, the animals... "

He pulled her in tighter just to feel her close. "I know, babe, but all of that stuff can be replaced. I know that you loved your horses and the other animals, and it's a bitch that someone felt the need to kill them, but they can be replaced. You can't. If you had been here alone... I can't even think about that."

Josie nodded and squeezed him closer to her. "I know."

Happy nodded as he slowly pulled back. "Then you'll understand why I need you to pack some of your shit. You can't stay here alone."

Josie frowned and shook her head, making Happy sigh. "Just put the new locks on like you had planned. I'll be fine here. I have Elmer and Brett... "

Happy stooped down to look her in the eye as he shook his head. "No. I don't know Elmer or Brett. I do know my own brothers and I know that they'll protect you when I'm not able to. This isn't negotiable, Jo."

Josie ran a hand through her hair before sighing and nodding. "Ok, fine. Let me finish this and I'll go pack a few things." When he nodded, she walked back to the counter to mix the salad. "Do you have any idea who's responsible?"

Happy shook his head. "No. We're good with everyone on our side right now. Tig brought up a good point though. Is there anyone that might not be happy about you moving on? Someone that wants you?"

Josie frowned and shook her head. "No, I can't think of anyone. Happy, whoever did this is not someone I would know or call a friend."

Happy shrugged. "Well, whoever it is, it isn't club related so we need to look at the people who are around you. It might be someone you've never even noticed. If that's the case, then it's going to be hard to figure it out." He covered the space between them in a few steps, backing her up against the counter and caging her there with his hands on either side of her waist. "You can't go anywhere alone, little girl. I mean it. Until I can deal with this fucker, you're going to live in my hip pocket or one of the other patches. I'm not letting anyone have a chance at you."

Josie nodded as she leaned up to kiss him. "I understand, Happy. Really. Don't worry."

Happy smirked and shook his head as he looked down at her. "I don't think it's possible for me not to worry, Jo."

Josie bit her lip and nodded as Happy leaned down for another kiss. His arms locked around her, pulling into his frame for a moment before he lifted her onto the counter to put her eye to eye with him. They spent several minutes kissing and cuddling up to one another before they were finally interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Happy lifted his head to glare at the man standing there, glaring right back at him. Josie pushed a little on his chest and he backed up enough for her to jump down off of the counter. His frown deepened when she walked over and gave the guy a hug.

"Tom, what are you doing out here?"

Happy heard the name and it clicked in his brain. It was the guy from the bar that night, the one he had wanted to beat the shit out of. Right now, the fucker was smiling down at his Josie like he had a right to and taking his sweet time taking his hands off of her. 

"I heard about the farm and wanted to check on you. Any idea who could have done it?" Tom's eyes flicked to Happy, a small smirk on his face. "I assume it has something to do with the company your keeping lately."

Happy scoffed and shook his head. "You assume wrong, asshole."

Josie turned a frown Happy's way and he just stared at her, a blank look on his face. "Happy!" She turned back to Tom and shook her head. "No, it isn't anything to do with him. We don't really know what happened."

Tom nodded. "Well, if you need anything at all, just call me. I'm going to assume that you'll need a loan to replace the outbuildings."

Josie shrugged. "I don't know. I may be moving back to Charming soon. I haven't really decided what to do yet."

Happy watched as the look on Tom's face morphed from pleasant to barely controlled rage and felt something tighten in his stomach. "Well, just give me a call."

Tom walked out and Happy turned to Josie. "Finish up your food and start packing. I need to talk to the guys about something really fast."

Josie nodded and Happy strode out the door, letting the screen door bang behind him as he watched Tom get in his car and leave. He looked at Elliott and nodded toward the receding Cadillac. "What do you know about him?"

Elliott shrugged. "Not much. He went to school with Josie. A few months after she moved here, he took the bank position and moved here too."

Happy nodded as he looked at Jax. "Call Juice. The guy's name is Tom Reynolds. I want to know everything he can get on him."

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