Chapter Four

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Happy was sitting on one of the picnic tables outside of the clubhouse, smoking a cigarette and sipping from a bottle of beer as he gazed up at the stars. He found himself wondering what Josie was doing and shook his head. He had been thinking about her since he had ridden away that day and he wasn't quite sure what to do about it. Sure, he wanted her, but she lived in a different world than he did. 

He hadn't been with a woman since he had met her, not that he hadn't had the chance. He just couldn't find one that reminded him of her. They didn't have that soft laugh that she had or the easy way of teasing him like she'd known him for years. He laughed at himself, shocked that one woman had him tied up in knots this much when he'd only met her once.

His thoughts were interrupted by the rumble of motorcycles pulling onto the lot and he got up to meet the guys that were coming back from their run. As he met them under the lights by the door of the clubhouse, he could see that they all had shit-eating grins on their faces, like they were all sharing a joke. He nodded his head in greeting.

"How was the run?"

Tig chuckled. "It was interesting. You'll never guess who we ran across."

Jax snickered and nodded. "Yeah, sweet pea, you'll never guess."

Happy rolled his eyes as they all started laughing. "Where the fuck did you see little girl?"

Bobby elbowed Chibs and laughed harder. "How cute is that? They both already have nicknames for each other."

Happy growled under his breath and stared the other men down until their laughter died off. "You gonna answer the question?"

Chibs nodded as he tried to calm himself down. "Aye, she was working in a bar that we stopped at in Hopewell."

Happy frowned. "What the fuck was she doing in a bar?"

Tig shrugged. "Her cousin owns it. She helps him out on Friday nights."

Happy's frown turned to a scowl as he shook his head. "Well, I don't like that shit at all."

Bobby snickered as he passed Happy on the way inside. "Well, I don't think she gives a shit, brother. She did say to tell you hello."

As the others passed him, he grabbed Tig by the arm. "Was anyone hitting on her?"

Tig shook his head. "Nah, man, they all seemed like a friendly enough bunch." He grinned and patted Happy on the shoulder. "You could always take off tomorrow, go see her. She looked like she might miss you."

Happy nodded distractedly as he stared off into space, already figuring out how early he could get there without waking her up.


The next morning, Josie walked into the barn to find Happy leaning against Winnie's stall and stroking her neck as he spoke quietly to her. She grinned and shook her head as she watched the tall man interact with her horse.

"You know, she likes to flirt. You might wanna watch her." When he just nodded, she continued. "What are you doing here?"

Happy patted the horse once more before turning to stare her down. She was struck by the look in his eyes as he studied her. "The guys said they saw you last night."

She nodded as she walked over to fill a bucket with feed. "Yeah, it was a nice surprise. They seem like a good bunch."

Happy nodded. "They are. When did you start working in a bar?"

She rolled her eyes as she faced him with one hand on her hip. "A few years ago. What does it matter?"

Happy shrugged as he took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. "I don't like it."

Josie chuckled. "Well, sweet pea, you don't have to like it, now do you?"

He stared at her for a moment before replying. "You're screen door squeaks and you're missing a few shingles off of the roof."

Josie nodded as she filled the horse's food trough. "Yep, I know. I'll get around to it."

Happy followed her out of the barn as she walked back to the house. "Your gutters need replacing too."

Josie stopped and turned to him, sighing in exasperation. "I know all of that, Happy."

"I'll take care of it."

Josie crossed her arms over her chest. "If this is some way for you to pay me back for taking care of you, it's not necessary."

Happy threw his cigarette down and stubbed it out with his boot before looking at her again. "Truth?" When she nodded, he sighed and rubbed a hand over his head. "I feel something for you, but I don't know what it is. While I'm figuring it out, I'll fix the shit around the house that needs fixing."

Josie just stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. "Are you always this blunt?"

Happy smirked and nodded. "Always."

Josie studied him for a moment before slowly nodding. "Ok. I admire that because I'm usually the same way." She looked off toward the barn before nodding to herself and facing him again. "I feel something for you too, so I'll let you fix shit around the house."

Happy chuckled as he stepped closer and threw an arm around her shoulders. "I wasn't asking permission, little girl."

As they walked to the house, Josie chuckled. "Yeah, I got that." When they reached the house, she opened the screen door and turned to grin at him. "I suppose I can fix you breakfast."

Happy nodded as he followed behind her into the kitchen. "You should because your eggs are the shit, Jo."

She snickered. "Wait until you taste my pot roast."

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