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She's beautiful, wonderful. Heart-shaped face, glossy ruby lips, hazel hair that trickles down to her jawline. Slim hips and tender hands. I love her. It doesn't matter what other people would think if I told them, what my sister would think.

I. Love. Her.

This thought comes, not entirely randomly, as my family and I sit watching Dead Poet Society. I sit on a separate couch from the rest of them, on the forwardest edge I can manage, stroking my fingers harshly.

On the screen, Knox Overstreet runs his fingers over Chris's hair, mouth parted with wonder at what he is managing to do. Then he leans down to kiss her. Tenderly, on the forehead. Soft blues music in the background. I smile. This has always been my favourite moment.

My sister groans. "This is rape."

Jeffrey barks laughter. "Is not!"

"It is, look! She's dating someone. She seems happy with her boyfriend. And here comes this perfect stranger, and kisses her on the forehead, like- like... I still don't get why you lot are inspired by this scene."

"It's his carpe diem moment, Susan. He's seizing the day. Don't read too deeply into it. It's just how he's..."

"I have no doubt that's what it's meant to be." My sister fumes through her nostrils. "But it isn't right."

"Can you two shush?" says mum, one arm around dad. "The film's still playing. Besides, I think it's quite romantic."

"Of course you do. You like all romance, no matter how creepy, so long as it's portrayed in the right way. I hate this trope. Always in shitty rom-coms."

"She gets together with him in the end," Jeffrey points out.

"That makes it even worse! It's encouraging men to-" She grunts, disentangles herself from Jeffrey's grip, and storms out of the room.


"Don't!" She stomps up the stairs. The last sound we hear of her is the slam of her makeshift-bedroom door. Then it's only us, and the movie.

I clench my teeth. My sister's kept making this point from the very first time we watched this film, ten years ago, and all films with a similar moment. I sigh.

My sister doesn't come back. Mum looking disquieted, dad and Jeffrey seeming oblivious, we finish the movie in silence.

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