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//Luke's POV//

James Lancaster shot Michael in the arm, barely missing his heart. It was enough time for Mr. Watson to knock James out afterwards.

It turned out that Michael left the school office when he heard the door open to the history classroom. When he realized that Sam and Delilah were in that class, he wasn't taking any chances. So he created a distraction and ended up being the great superhero of the day.

A superhero with a pretty nasty wound.

After the lockdown was over, we rushed him to the hospital. All five of us tagged along, following the ambulance. Sam stayed by Michael's side while the paramedics did their work on him. The rest of us rode in my car to the hospital.

Now we're here in the waiting room located right in the heart of the emergency center. The air among us, smells like rubbing alcohol and medicine, and we wait anxiously. Sam's still not out and I'm worried to death. Calum's trying to contact Michael's parents while Delilah's by his side. Ashton's making some calls too, walking back and forth in a corner. It now occurs to me how people in the same room are thinking right now.

Hey why are a bunch of rowdy teenagers hanging around here? Shouldn't they be at school right now? 

The principal decided to have us students to have the rest of the day off. She gave us a weak smile and each a reassuring pat on the back, after she called for an ambulance. Before taking off, she thanked Michael with a quick arm around the neck. An excuse for a hug, when Michael can't even move his own arm.

Sam comes out of the giant pair of doors, looking older than she really is. Her face red, eyes watery, practically her whole presence is beaten down. 

She joins the rest of us in one of the chair, and slumps down next to me. 

"How is he?" I ask, reaching out for her hand.

She gladly takes the offer, and takes my hand. "He's in surgery. Should be fine afterwards." 

I nod thoughtfully, glad to hold her once again. Sam's still in deep thought when I notice it. Lips pursed, right foot tapping away, she breathes out.

"I still can't believe he did that." She mutters, "Michael saved me, the entire school even." 

I shoot her a side smile, enough to make her smile back. She rests her head on my shoulder, shutting her eyes. Calum's done calling, telling us Michael's parents will be here shortly. He seems so worked up that Delilah suggest to go to the cafeteria or something. As if food can solve any problem.. 

"You guys go ahead." I say, pointing out a sleeping Sam on me.

They smile back, bringing Ashton along. 

With them gone, I decide to sleep too. There's no use in waiting all day so a nap sounds good right about now.

Dozing off, I rest my head against my other hand, so that I don't end up ontop of Sam. The chairs don't help the situation, but I manage. Half asleep, I'm startled when I little voice calls my name.

The same mystery girlfriend of the boy Michael had beaten up earlier in the day appears before me, sitting in the sit infront. 

Upclose, I notice she's prettier than I thought she was. Dark, long hair and eyes covered with black makeup. Believe me, her beauty's different. I'm almost surpised when I see her reach for a pair of eyeglasses in her backpack, putting them on. What's she doing here though? And how'd she know where we were?

"You here to see Mike?" I ask, trying to keep it cool.

She nods a "Yeah." and sheepishly smiles at the sight before her. "You guys seem like a cute couple." 

I grin, looking back at Sam and thank her. "So mystery girl, mind if I ask you for your name."

"Blaire. Blaire Winters." she answers, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet ya Blaire" I say enthusiastically, making her chuckle. "Mind if I ask another question, Blaire?"

"Be my guest, Luke." she answers.

"What do you think about my friend, Michael?"

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