Chapter Five: First Time For Everything

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Brittany's POV:

Santana and I have been going out for about 3 months now and things have been going great. Since our first date we've been on countless dates that almost always start with her father reminding me of our talk. That man is still pretty convincing. Opening my locker I shake off a shiver just at the thought of getting on his bad side. As I'm putting my books away, Santana pops up in between my locker and I.

"Hey babe!" She says pecking my lips.

"Hey to you too. Have I ever told you, that I like when you call me that?" I say while closing my locker and kissing her again before walking down the hall with her.

"Yes baby, you have, to which I told you that I will definitely be calling you those names a lot more often."

I smile because I just can't help it, not that I really tried to fight it. I've been wanting to tell Santana that I love her for 3weeks now but I have no idea how to tell her, other then just telling her. She's making me feel all of these feelings that are just so foreign to me. It's a scary feeling but I like it because Santana is the center of these feelings. It's only terrifying because I've never been in love before, especially this quick... but with Santana it's kind of hard to not act on my emotions, it's like I'm not even really guarding myself with her.

"So what are you doing tonight?" She ask as we sit down and wait for glee to start.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"Well my parents are taking my brothers and they're visiting my abuela in New Jersey. So I have the place to myself". She says while looking at me with lust filled eyes and rubbing her hand up and down my thigh. Is it me or is it getting hot in here? Because I can definitely feel my jeans getting a bit tighter after BJ twitched. If I forgot to mention BJ stands for Britt Jr. if you know what I mean.

"Netflix & Chill sounds good to me"


Later that night at Santana's place..

Santana and I are sitting on the couch looking for another movie to watch on Netflix but I just can't take it anymore.

"Hey can I talk to you about something real quick, it's something that's been on my mind for a little while now." I say as she leans her back against my chest.

"Of course, you can talk to me about anything baby. You know that." She says turning her head a bit and looking up at me.

Okay here goes nothing, I take a deep breath before I start speaking to get my thoughts in order.

"Look San, I know we only been together for about 3 months now but I just feel like..."

"Are you about to break up with me?" She ask while cutting me off.

"No." I simply say so she can calm down.

"Oh, sorry, you can contin..."

"I Love You" I blurt out cutting her off while looking at her shocked face.

"Look I know I'm young and I may not fully know what love is, but what I do know is that I can't picture my life without you in it. I DON'T WANT to picture my life without you in it, regardless to if we're together or just friends. I'm definitely hoping it's with us being together, because when I think of you I instantly get that butterfly in the stomach feeling. I know it sounds cheesy and I'm rambling but... What I'm trying to say is..."

"I Love you too" She says cutting off my nervous rant.

"What did you say?" I ask. She palms both sides of my face and repeats her previous statement.

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