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It's Sunday morning, so naturally I'm sitting in Jimmy's Coffee with my computer, trying to write something. I've always loved writing, so for a few weeks now, I've devoted as much free time as possible to putting ideas to paper. Or to a digital word processor. Same thing.

            I've been at it for a while when I lift my head up to look around me while sipping the last of my tea, now cold. That's when I notice him, sitting on the other side of the café. He was concentrating on his phone, probably unaware that his smile was illuminating his whole face. He ran his hand through his hair to push back a few stray curls, and I got butterflies. I haven't felt that since I first saw the new guy at work, but then that quickly faded when he mentioned his boyfriend.  I took a closer look at the gorgeous face that, in the words of Mariah Carey, got me feeling emotions. That's when I recognized him. I can't believe I didn't right away! I've been a fan of Shawn Mendes for a while now.

            What are the chances that I meet him here, on a good hair day! I knew I had to do something - shoot my shot, if you will. What's the worst that could happen? I have nothing to lose by simply introducing myself. What's a clever way to start the conversation and stand out? I look at the napkin that came with my drink. I take out a pen from my bag and scribble my phone number on it. I pack my things, because I know I'm not going to be able to stay in here after going up to him. Deep breaths, I have to seem chill. Cool, calm and collected. I get up and go up to him. As I approach his table, he makes eye contact with me, and I flash what I hope is a natural smile.

"Hi," I say, "I have to go, but I just thought you were cute, and I couldn't leave without giving you my phone number," and I slide the napkin on the table.

"Oh! Haha, thank you, uh..."

"Alice. You get extra points if you spell it correctly!"

"If I spell..?" he hesitates.

"Yeah, when you text me," I smirk. "Have a good one!" I say, probably a bit too rushed, as I walk away and out of the coffee shop.

            Oof. I hope that was smooth and not creepy. There's a fine line between these two, and we all know it depends on whether or not he finds me attractive. I immediately pick up my phone to text my best friend about what just happened, but I find myself disappointed that I don't already have a text from an unknown number. This day is not going to be very productive if I keep checking my phone for a text that might not even come. I put my phone on Do Not Disturb, put it awayat the bottom of my bag and try to forget what just happened. I'm on such a high right now; it's like I'm walking on air! It is Sunday after all, and it's a beautiful one as well, so I decide to walk around Toronto a bit, and enjoy the warmth that comes with the fading of winter. After a few minutes, I realize I'm at this dog park I often go to, and my smile widens seeing the puppies run around, chasing balls and pigeons. Since my hands are beginning to get cold, I think it's a good time to make my way home. I don't feel like walking all the way back, so I make my way to the nearest subway station.

Don't Wake Me Up - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now