rude awaking

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Argggg you said. Last night was amazing I barely remember anything.

Becoming somewhat awake you look at your surroundings and realize you're not in your room or any room in your house. Huh where am I you said trying to get up but something was keeping you to the bed. Moving your head to the left you see a familiar blonde hair woman looking at you with a smile.

Good morning Y/N she said.
An-An-Angel what are you doing here.
Your in my room Y/N. Ahhhhhhhhh, scream all you want Y/N the room walls are soundproof and no one can hear you. You stop screaming and ask
WW-Where am I. You are in the creepypasta Mansion which is in the forest.

What the fuck is a creepypasta, is it like in relation to the church of the flying spaghetti monster.

Church of the what angel asked.
Nevermind that.

Y/N I got a question for you, do you remember anything that happened last night.
Not really somethings are still a bit hazy.

Aww man, I wished you remembered what you and I did last night angel said with a grin. What did we do last night. Angel doesn't reply and just giggles. Answer me please, I'll do anything. Ok she said shaking your hand. Anything you said huh. Wait I take it back. Too late I already agreed to your terms.

I'll tell you what we did, just get ready for what you're about to hear.
We..... Had........

Sex Angel said with a smile.

Your a fucking rapist you said to the girl. WHAT no I am not. I was high there is no way I would have sex with you if I was sober. Are you sure about that. Yes 100 percent sure.  Well that's about to change. Why do you say that. From what we agreed on you said you'll do anything I wanted and I want you to have sex with me until I'm satisfied.

Can you give me a week please. A week for what. Until I have sex with you, I don't feel ready doing it now. Actually you know what, I'll give you your week to prepare. Wait really. Yeah it's going to be fun seeing the horror in your face when the time comes.

Well enough small talk let's go down for breakfast, the others are waiting. And just to tell you all I did was give you a blowjob and handjob, We didn't do anything serious. That's still rape you cry out. you was awake and did nothing to stop me.

Hurry up and follow me or I'll have to drag you. Ok ok I'm coming.

Following Angel down the stairs, you two stop at a kitchen that had 5 other girls eating at a large table. Good morning Angel and Y/N they say in Union.
Good morning Angel says to them.
You just stand there and said nothing.

Angel hit you in the chest with her elbow. Ow, uh I mean good morning.

You and angel sit down at the table and start eating some breakfast.
Egg and bacon, some normal breakfast you thought. Looking at the other people eating at the table you start to remember there names,  Jess, Jane, clockwork, Jackie and slenda.

Hello y/n says slenda.
Uhh hi.
So tell me how do you feel.
I feel fine, why do you ask.
Well you should be having  nausea, nosebleeds,and hallucinations to name a few things.

And why's that.
Well for humans when they first see them they get afflicted with something called the slender sickness which gives you said symptoms.

I guess I'm lucky.
Yes, lucky slenda said with suspicion.
Uhh slenda my I ask when can I go home, my brother would kill me If I don't make it back.
I can't let you leave. What, why's that.
You've seen us and lived, also I would like to use you against our enemy. Also I wouldn't recommend running away, I have people on the outside working for me and they would either kill you or bring you back on my command.

Getting Drunk, High, And Magical Items Includedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें