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(Y/N) rested her bare back against the head board of her bed, dragging her thumb across the screen of her phone. Her eyes drifted away from her phone, eyeing the figure beside her. Tom was fast asleep beside her, seeing as it was four in the morning.

(Y/N) couldn't sleep, her thoughts scattered due to what some people would call "wedding jitters," or at least thats what her mother called them.

She watched as Tom's bare torso would rise and fall gently with every breath he took.

It must be nice to be able to sleep so peacefully, she thought.

She smiled softly at the man beside  her -- the man she would soon call her husband.

She turned her gaze back to her phone, looking at her gallery of photos, looking more specifically at her wedding dress. With every day that passed things became more and more surreal.

Was she nervous? Most people expected her to be, but she refused to show it, she would remain calm and collected in front of anybody and everybody.

Although, Tom was harder to fool, this frustrated her. The young man was so light hearted and happy that he could make anybody melt, especially the love of his life.

The pair recognized that they were so very young to be getting married, most people nowadays wait until late twenties or early thirties. But Tom was headstrong and knew what he wanted, so he decided to put a ring on it.

They were both now 23. (Y/N) was about a month older than him. Tom had turned the prime number of 23 just a few days earlier.

(Y/N) wanted to celebrate with him, but he was traveling and whatnot, so they didnt really do anything except go out for dinner the previous night so she could give him his gift and then end the night with a bang.

But that was genuinely all Tom wanted, to spend time with her when he was back. He missed her so much whenever he was gone and spending a night with her was all he could have ever wish for for his birthday, even if he couldnt have done it on his actual birthday.

At first (Y/N) didnt mind when he would leave for promotions and such, but that was because they were more spaced out and he wasnt shooting for Devil All The Time and Chaos walking. But now he was, and as much as she hated to admit it, it bothered her and made her worry. Questions like: would this be the same if we were married? Maybe worse?

She wanted to tell him how she felt, but she knew he'd feel guilty and that was the last thing she wanted.

He began to shift in the sheets, turning on his side, facing (Y/N). His curly brown hair with a reddish-blonde hue became ruffled from the pillow. She smiled at him, yearning to touch his cheek, without disturbing him.

(Y/N) turned to place her phone back on her nightstand, plugging it in before checking the time once again.

A quarter till five.

She then scooted down into bed, no longer against the headboard. She gingerly planted a kiss on the boys head. She looked up at his sleepy face, and she felt sleep starting to consume her as well. She scooted closer to Tom, nustling into his bare chest. She then felt his arms wrap around her bare body holding her close to him as he slept. She smiled, her anxious thoughts slowly escaping her, but two remained:

Would he always be gone this much? Would there ever be a time for just... them?

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