Chapter 8 - Getting Everything Ready

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Notes: I'm back!!! I'm so sorry that I've been sort of MIA on you guys, but school got SUPER hectic these last few weeks and that comes first. So, this is a short chapter as I'm not totally in the clear with school yet, but it is an important one with relationships with other characters. See you in the next one <3 (btw the wedding will be multiple chapters)


Today was the day. The wedding. It was finally here and I could barely sleep in anticipation. I couldn't believe that later today and for the rest of my life, I would become Mrs. Mazzello. God, it still rang strangely in my head. I loved this man more than anything and he would be mine forever.

I woke up before Joe. I laid in the bed next to him waiting for him to wake up. He stirred a little before completely opening his eyes and looking at me. I kissed his forehead as he groggily laughed.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Nope," I responded with a sigh. "But I'm sure about marrying you if that's what you're asking."

"Then what aren't you ready for?" He asked, a little more awake than before.

"Being in a room with our entire friends and family and them giving us their full attention for basically an entire evening where everything is centered around me and you." The introvert inside me was not really ready for that. But, with Joe by my side, I knew I would get through it alright.

"And you don't like that? I've seen you at premieres. I know you like it a little bit." He teased, wrapping his arms around my torso and pulling me in closer to him.

"Attention from my family is another thing. It feels...weirder for some reason. I can't explain it."I shook my head and pressed it further into the pillow. Joe looked over my shoulder at the time.

"I think we should probably get up. The bridal party might be here soon and they might break down the door if we don't let them in ourselves." I laughed at his joke. "Plus, we don't want to be late for our own wedding." I snuggled up closer to him. Placing my face into the crook of his neck. His warmth radiating into me.

"It's our wedding. It can't start until we get there." I slurred back. My voice muffled by his t-shirt and skin.

"I know...but I think it would be a little rude." We both giggled at the thought of just not going to our wedding and then got up to start the day.

As Joe suspected, the entire bridal party showed up at our house less than an hour later. Thankfully, Joe and I were both dressed and decent because Gio let himself in using his spare key. People flooded our house and began pulling both of us out the door and into a car. We needed to get going to the venue. A lovely outdoor spot for the ceremony with an indoor reception. Early September was never a problem with the weather. In fact, September in LA felt like May in Chicago. It was just a bit colder than normal and the perfect temperature for sitting outside.

We drove in separate cars for a while, driving to the ceremony spot. When we pulled up to the hotel/building beside it, we all got out and scrambled inside. Bridesmaids were already hounding me with congratulations and telling me how well everything was set up so far. Gio pushed through everyone else until he was by my side. He let out a breath before telling me that everything in the reception area was looking good. The flowers, centerpieces, and music were being set up nicely and that there was nothing I needed to worry about.

I looked around at everyone beside me. Their makeup or hair was already done at home, and I had nothing done. I was still in shorts and a t-shirt. No makeup and just a quick brush through of my hair to keep it straight. Nothing fancy. As they pushed me into a hotel room that Gio had gotten for us to get ready, I saw a line of makeup and hair products on the desk in front of a huge mirror. I figured it was for me.

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