Chapter 4 - The Oscars

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Warning: SMUT


The Oscars. The day that all of this had been leading up to. It was the biggest, fanciest, and most important night in Hollywood and I was going with one of Hollywood's most handsome men wrapped around my arm. I remember when we first heard that the movie was nominated for best picture, Joe and the boys were in the middle of a press run. They called me early in the morning, but late at night for them, that they had been nominated for five Oscars. The most that a film was nominated for that year.

I groggily woke up to my phone vibrating wildly against my nightstand. I turned over and saw that it was Joe calling me. A flash of panic washed over me and I quickly answered.

"Hi, is everything alright?" I asked, hurried but still groggy. I heard loud music, yelling, and clinking coming from the other end. Making it even harder to hear Joe. His voice was loud as he yelled into the phone.

"We got nominated, baby!" He yelled. It took me a second to figure out what he was saying, but it finally clicked in my head. I was always bad with dates and thought that the nominations came out the next day. I immediately sat up on the bed as my mouth fell open.

"What?!" I half-yelled with a laugh.

"Five times! We're nominated five times! For Best Picture AND Rami got one too!" He was ecstatic on the other end. It sounded like he was jumping around or dancing while he was talking to me.

"Holy SHIT!" I yelled. I started screaming happy noises into the phone and I could hear Joe laughing from the other end.

"We're celebrating big time over here. Thankfully, tomorrow's our day off so we can get as wasted as we want." He yelled again. I couldn't stop smiling. I quickly grabbed my laptop off my nightstand and started googling the nominations. "Oh shit, I gotta go. Rami's popping another bottle of champagne." There was a short pause. I heard it get quieter on his end like he had moved to a corner to talk to me. "By the way, if you were here, I would fuck the shit out of you right now."

"Ooh, a celebratory fuck. I'm sorry I'm gonna miss that. But, it can happen as soon as you get back." I replied. I didn't need to see him to know he was smirking on the other end. "Go have fun, I'll talk to you later. Tell everyone congrats for me."

"Will do, love you." He quickly replied.

"Love you too." And with that, he hung up. I stayed sitting in bed and looking up the nominations. Sure enough, there they were. Best Picture, Sound Mixing, Sound Editing, Film Editing, and Best Actor. I felt so happy for all of them, especially Rami. I was lucky enough to see him work first hand and see how much effort and love he put into that role. He deserved that nomination more than anyone.

Now, the Oscars were hours away. Stylists and makeup artists filled our house once again and helped both Joe and I get ready. Joe was going for a more classic look this time. A black tuxedo with a black bow tie. The perfect and classic Oscars outfit. I, however, was going for something a little more complex which meant that I was starting to get ready way before Joe.

I was sat in a chair facing our TV, watching an episode of Stranger Things while the makeup artist and hair stylist worked on me. They poked and prodded my face as well as tugged and pulled at my hair. It wasn't the most comfortable experience, but I knew I was going to look good. Joe sat on the ground next to me at one point, still in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"What's cookin', good lookin'?" He teased.

"Not much, just being manhandled by these lovely ladies," I responded while gesturing to them. They laughed along with my joke. They knew that what they did was a bit intrusive, especially when both of them were working on the same person at the same time. Then, the hairstylist pulled a piece of my hair a little too hard and my head snapped back. "Ow," I whispered softly.

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