Curiosity Made Carl Gay - 4

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"I don't think so. I liked her a lot. I already miss her. But like Real Reel, she will also become a fond memory. Mom said it well yesterday. I'll find my next groove soon." I hug Fio closer.

"You're both heartless monsters." She punches me in the gut.

I laugh when she cries out in pain. My gut is sturdier than her skull.

"Yes, that's why we love you, a horrible nightmare with hands made of jelly."

She rolls her eyes.

My phone dings and I spring across Fio and snatch it before she can take it.

"Looks like you already got a new show going." Fio raises her eyebrows.

It's just a text in our family chat. Not from Terry. It's not like she would have been able to read it if it was. I put a lock over it. Every group can be locked individually and needs a code to unlock it. I show the phone to her.

King George: I'm coming home.🦁

"Yeeessss!" Fio jumps up. "I'm gonna surprise him with my new project. I'll finish it before he comes." She dances around the room.

Dad's on a business trip in Europe. I type e response.

Prince Carl: 😻😻😻😻

Queen Theresa: 😘😘😘😘

Prince Harry: What are you bringing?

"Go, first reply." I remind her. Dad will worry if we don't reply, especially if it's not school hours.

"On it, bro." Fio swirls around and makes a curtsy and giggles and waves before leaving. She's hyperactive when excited.

My phone dings again. This time it's Terry.

I lock my door and unlock his chat.

Terry Stewart: We can talk now.

Prince Carl: Okay. Still at work?

Terry Stewart: Yes, it ends at 9. But now it has slowed down. Let's do gay 101.

I stared at the ceiling. Why am I even doing this? All I wanted was Terry to not feel uncomfortable. But somehow it took all kinds of turns and now, here I am. About to ask him to explain how gay works. It's true, I do want to know. Till now, I never really thought much about that topic. When it came up, I just shrugged and let it go. It's one more thing, I don't get in a long list of things. Like yeast or colonoscopy.

But after Terry's confession, I am curious to know how it works. I can ask Harry, he'll make fun of me till he lost all his teeth. Dad will not make fun, but he'll tell Mom, and I'll never hear the end of it. Terry seems like a cool guy. After all he offered.

Decision made, I type out a reply.

Prince Carl: Isn't our body made certain way? To respond to certain things?

Terry: Sexual attraction is subjective. What makes you horny could make another guy puke.

Prince Carl: What makes you horny?

I chew my nails in worry, it feels very naughty to ask such a question. But I'm learning gay. I'm allowed to ask questions. Aren't I?

Terry: Can I be honest? Or you want a gay text book answer?

Prince Carl: honesty. I won't puke. Promise.

Terry: Thanks.

Terry: Small private touches. A palm cupping my back, a thumb under my ear, a rub along my throat. Fingers on my thighs.

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